Hello Newman

This is a normal pre-planned ship movement that Bolton is trying to spin as pressure on Iran. It’s actually incredibly pathetic. The Trump administration has no real results from their “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran and from tearing up the JCPOA, and so they’re trying to distract by playing macho.

I could kinda believe him when he says it wasn’t intended for her. The forty-minute gap followed by the non-sequitur nature of the sentence... I think he’s a woman-harasser who meant to harass a different woman at 3:55 am than the woman he was harassing at 3:13 am.

Cue up Eddie Murphy’s “This is my house! And if you don’t like it, get the fuck out!” 😂

Trump supporters: “Leftist libs are COMMUNIST socialists!”

Hours later, Trump tweeted about the incident, saying, “I am with him,” referring to Kim

Pretty stunned that Green didn’t blame CNN and call Ring “fake news”

It’s funny how Trump is only capable of nominating people he’s seen on television. He’s like Chance the gardener’s evil doppelgänger.

I am no fan of Kamala, but she kicked Barr's ass today. He looked like he was about to cry at the end of her questioning.

Meanwhile on the other side of the aisle;

Barr has trouble responding because Trump’s balls are in his mouth.

Levirate marriages have been banned by the rabbinate for several hundred years in favor of Halitzah (were the brother is not obligated to marry). This is just the usual infatuation of ancient antiquated Old testament text taken out of context by American “Christian” fundamentalists.

If I were Doug Jones, I would personally be donating to this legal fund so that I could face Moore again

My mom was a union officer for the CWA. I remember as a kid standing outside the Southwestern Bell offices where she would shame scabs off of the property. Good times!

Boy, I’m wondering what will happen when retired members of the military will come out against him...

I just like the idea that Joe Biden is driving Trump crazy. I don’t like Biden for the nominee, but, my God, he’s doing a wonderful job leading Trump around by the nose.

Because the first thing that white supremacists do in the morning, after pouring a slug of bourbon into their cornflakes, is turn on "The View".

Time to subpoena Mueller.

i assume the board made them. This school legit used to be run by Ken Starr until he had to step down for covering up rampant sexual abuse 

Did he say it ends with a huge battle between the superheroes and bad guys? The nerve of him.