Hello Newman

First off, big ups to this man for unintentionally predicting the hero of game 7. Second of all, this was the most insane Sharks (and possibly hockey) game I’ve ever seen in my life. Finally, I think Sharks-Knights has officially become a rivalry after this series.

Right wing people are not creative. Period. All of the biggest artists in any field are invariably left wing.

Pro Life Tip: NEVER start a game of peek-a-boo with a toddler in the next row, at the beginning of a flight from SF to NY.

Conservatives suck at making enjoyable, shareable content which is 90% of their problem on social media/traditional media. The other 10% of their problem is that they think they deserve a platform for their bad content. Social media doesn’t owe anyone “equal time.” Tech companies are trying this, though, which is the

I swear, he must be shocked to see the sun rise every morning. Does he even have object permanence?

Has “thoughts and prayers” fallen out of fashion or is that reserved for gun violence?

Is... is it not still illegal for tweets to be deleted from his account even if they’re as deftly moronic as this?

not only is he an idiot, but no one in his admin is watching what he does.  no one is checking on him.  20 minutes to notice this?  now they’re not even trying.

Especially when it happens due to explicit government decisions, but just impacts the workers, like with NAFTA and other “free trade” agreements. But suddenly the same types of people who thought a laid of factory worker in Akron should go learn to code is crying crocodile tears for an insurance billing specialist

Oh, you’re just a piece of shit troll, go fuck yourself.

Medicare for All would entail “wholesale disruption of American health care [that] would surely jeopardize the relationship people have with their doctors”

You know, I was looking for recent figures, and couldn’t find them, but here’s what I know. Big, floppy insurers like United Healthcare, which is a conglomerate and siphons folks off of Medicare and recently bailed on covering Obamacare, pay out between 55% (USHealthcare) and upper-80's % (many Blue Cross plans) of

Many doctors don’t take certain kinds of health insurance these days because the insurance companies spend months, even years, dragging their feet on payments for those insured patients.

Or like how I can’t afford to actually see my doctor for anything other than a yearly physical?

He has a net worth of $200+ million. I’d say give us Medicare for all and tax his asshole into oblivion.

Medicare for All would entail “wholesale disruption of American health care [that] would surely jeopardize the relationship people have with their doctors

If it takes 7 minutes to determine that Hiirikoski didn’t make enough of an effort to avoid contact, then it was a goal and Finland got screwed.

Kind of a weird argument given that Americans abroad still have to file income taxes in the US despite not living or earning money there.

Government help? I can't stand this socialism. I read in the bible once, you reap what you sow. Grab some bootstraps.