

This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Newty seems triggered. Maybe by guilty conscience, eh?

Immediate Expulsion > Emergency Suspension

It would still be nothing compared to what men have done to us since the beginning of civilization. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“This violence is trying to teach us a lesson, it wants to put us back in a traditional role into which we don’t fit any more,” says Cantabria. “It’s not a specific blow by a specific man against one woman in particular, it’s a message to all women to return to our stereotypical roles.”

I don’t understand the Schumer hatred here, I just don’t. She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things? She’s a fucking comedian! (I’m not yelling at you Sparky, I love you, lol! I’m just so sick of this constant attack on her from both the left and

Wow...I ...I like her very much right now. At this moment. Right now.

I mean, if these are the the worst they’ve got...this is...not that big a deal? I dunno; I know my fellow millennials REALLY hate that she is like vaguely moderate on certain shit (sigh, but I’m not gonna get into that rn) but after today’s pussy-gate is this really gonna matter? The choices are a qualified candidate

The sound of the baby’s heart eventually breaks the moment of silence and Zoey says, “Thank you, God,” which could be an instinctual reaction from her—she could still be questioning her beliefs.

Of course he is.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?

How DARE you? This is insulting to cats everywhere!

Finally, we can get Trump some help.

No, it’ll just be a larger field in the final.

This misses the point. Nico Hines’ staggering ignorance is the least shocking part of this article. The original piece included identifying information about these athletes—some of whom are from repressive countries where violence against LGBTQ individuals is common and sanctioned. With one incredibly crappy

So, I’m Gwen Snyder, the woman in the article. It was a pretty awful experience and my biggest hope is to use it to make some sort of positive change at the DNC and at the Doubletree, which refused to help me. I do have a couple asks if folks want to take action:

How dare anyone think it acceptable to boo her!