
Who’s ready for the ‘affluenza’ BS? 26, single mother with a Porsche and Daddy to the rescue? There’s some credit cards that need cutting (and some CPS that needs calling)

Dear God: please tell me there will be a huge wall built around his plane as soon as he lands

WTF is wrong with you? I thought victim-blaming was a republican thing, last I checked progressives believe the victim and are suppose to support them. Of course they are suppose to remove him! If that idiot doesn’t understand not assaulting people then he doesn’t have enough clarity of mind to vote properly!

Seriously??? I don’t think the man knows the definitions of legal or moral. SMH


How dare anyone think it acceptable to boo her!

But I’m sure he was just a ‘good guy with a gun’ why was everyone so worried?


Seriously awesome, now if only more people would get on board...


The world is about to make his life a living hell so if the judge won’t give him what he deserves all the pissed off people of the world will.

I’ve heard a few people throw around that David Bowie ‘transcended race’ but I agree it definitely wasn’t the single narrative that’s happening with Muhammad Ali. I will say when I hear people say white people ‘transcend race’ it seems very patronizing and always makes me think of people who say “I don’t see race”. It

Ok, all together: SCUM!

:( Went to college with Delly, watched him play in college, one of the hardest working players, dove for the ball even when no one was around. The NBA is so full of exceptional natural talent that when a player who gets around through hard work people assume they must be playing dirty.

Hi there actually from Washington (didn’t vote in this shit-show neither side mattered) but I did want to point out that democrats voted 2-1 the number of republicans voting. That is all...

Jezebel, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO HAYLEY ATWELL IS???? How do you not know about the BAMF who destroyed as Agent Carter? You have lost all of my faith (in television reviews).

You know I’m sure Eva Braun used to say the same thing about Hitler: “Adolf Hitler is no Donald Trump”


(Sir David Attenborough voice) Let us observe as the Eastern Pastel-Coated White Prep Bro performs an intricate display of perceived masculinity while the females of the population proceed to actually get shit done.

I really want to know what their definition of coherent thoughts is because they don’t seem to understand it well enough to apply it to themselves....