
Hot Take: Weddings are growing because as women gain power and money many choose to unapologetically do girly ass stuff with that money like wear awesome dresses and have a great party.

The guy is wrong but I 100% understand the impulse. I’m tall and on most planes, if someone reclines, my knees physically don’t fit. My options are then to either turn my entire lower half and do my best to splay my legs under the seat or to manspread into my neighbors’ leg area, not even getting into the issues of

Damn. I just listened to the latest Dear Prudence podcast and was wondering wtf happened that Danny was suddenly estranged from his whole family right before his wedding. Obviously the rest of his family has taken the father’s side‽ ugh

Ultra low-rise are ridiculous, true, but I would give anything to be able to find a variety of mid-rise or “slightly” low-rise jeans.

They don’t care. None of his supporters care. At Christmas I tried desperately to get my father to entertain the idea that Trump is unfit for office, rampantly immoral, and clearly deeply unwell. He only cared about the Supreme Court.


I freaking hate the rolling barn doors. I blame Chip and Joanna Gaines.

I don’t have anything made with leather or canvas. I have a degree in art history, an eye for design and I’ve been collecting 50ies pieces for years. I know what I’m doing, but thank you for mansplaining something I’m an expert at

Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.

Black leggings, all day. You can even sleep in them. Lower-heeled ankle boots (grey or black), preferably waterproof. Blondi makes cute ones that aren’t too pricey and are also pretty comfortable without looking geriatric. A couple of knit tunics in neutral colors. Pair of jeans or cords. Turtleneck sweater. A long

I’m an Angeleno-good luck in this endeavor. Though I will say, you’ll spend most of your time indoors and it’s humid AF so it’ll feel warmer than it actually is outside. And by warmer I mean 50 degrees instead of 45.

Or it’s possible Obama knows firsthand that the majority of the country is moderate? A majority of the Democratic party even. So he thinks that getting the votes of a) moderate Democrats, b) independents, and c) Trump voters who voted for him in 2012 (about 13% of Trump voters) will take a more moderate candidate than

The Democrats can’t do anything unless they get elected. And not just the White House, because if the GOP still controls the Senate after the 2020 election, Moscow Mitch will block every bill and every judicial nomination that comes along from a Democratic president and Democratic House. From someone living in the

How do you write this blog without the rest of his quote? I mean, he literally says we should push for something greater, he’s just asking those with privilege to consider what they are asking those without privilege to risk in that push.

I disagree. Nearly half of voting Americans did the dumbest thing ever three years ago.

See, no one gave a flying fuck what the gender of your kid was people. 

what garden? I got married at Easy Tiger (beer garden lol) 

Well, I don’t know about the sandwich, but I think the pic of those biscuits seems to be triggering some dormant cravings for their red beans and rice. That stuff always seemed to hit the spot for me. Mmm, red beans and rice.

I couldn’t sleep on the night he was elected. It was one of the worst night’s sleeps I’ve ever gotten. I wouldn’t have felt that way about, say, Cruz or Rubio, despite how disgusting they are. Trump’s election spoke in a singular manner on how broken and fucked up our country and its political systems are. It’s deeply

Given today’s news, I wanted to voice my appreciation for this post that is decidedly not about sports.