Way more of them are on board than I initially thought. Kasich at the convention doesn’t bother me, to me it’s a signal to Never Trumpers of “hey welcome to the fight, we’re glad to have you with us, let’s kick Trump’s ass”
Way more of them are on board than I initially thought. Kasich at the convention doesn’t bother me, to me it’s a signal to Never Trumpers of “hey welcome to the fight, we’re glad to have you with us, let’s kick Trump’s ass”
Yes, because more and more of them are realizing every day that Trump is an absolute monster who needs to go. Along with his enablers.
Bringing someone into the convention isn’t to endorse them. It’s to let them endorse the nominee. That’s the purpose of literally everyone, no matter their politics, who appears on the stage at the convention. They’re there to support the candidate.
But he is a way to bring some older Trump supporters to swing to Biden.
I’m far less alarmed by the courting of Kasich than the rest of the commenters appear to be. It’s pretty common for people associated with the other side to speak at one party’s convention. This is not a Biden thing or even just a DNC thing (See: Zell Miller in 2004, Joe Lieberman in 2008) The purpose is to have a…
Liberals need a positive, exciting reason to show up to the polls and unify the party.
WTF is this? People need to stop being purposefully dense so they can have their Two-Minute Hates.
How was her tone in any way opaque? No one uses “good ole boys club” in a positive way. I know enough women veterans to realize that you get desensitized to sexual harassment in the army. Not in a way that makes you unsympathetic to victims, but in a way where your tone is casual/defeated/empty when talking about that…
Damn. You nailed it. She’s a narcissist. I was thinking of her as a toxic liar but you read her exactly right.
If we were all trying to decide if we want Tara Reade in our personal lives based on what we know about her, most of us would have no problem saying, “Nah. Girl is trouble.” But, because she’s an alleged…
Banning the comment won’t make it not true.
yeah, I agree with this read of the situation. Like you could get to the end of this Jezebel piece and feel reasonably sure she grew up dirt poor, even though there’s nothing to really indicate that. Like... she was working for Joe Biden very early on in her career. This isn’t a normal sign of being held back.
I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.
Why are we shitbags if we do not believe her? There is a lot...like A LOT of things that make everything she said doubtful at best.
You know, I can understand how, at first glance, the NYT piece can read as classist.
My husband and I are literally separating because of this. This has been an argument for months and today it boiled over. He refuses to see reality, and it’s causing too many fights and I’m too tired of him thinking it’s just ok. But the protests came here and the looting was blocks away and our country is being torn…
Yeah I can see why it’s a bit of a tricky one. Having said that, with all of the white people who adore Ellen and hang on her every word (just using Ellen as the example here), it does feel like her at least directing her fans to the appropriate places to understand white privilege and what’s happening might have some…
The only bosses I ever had that loved open office spaces always had their own individual offices.
Its all about the rent... push as many people into a space as possible. Using dividers or having separate offices within the space cost dollars. That other shit about collaboration... that’s just shit.
I really hope that with all the bad things to come out of this pandemic that it has at least ended the design era of open offices. No one who actually stays in those kind of offices likes them. They’re an excuse to go cheap on labor and lazily micro-manage.