....except that Sanchez is his wife’s age, and her relative hotness is in question.
....except that Sanchez is his wife’s age, and her relative hotness is in question.
Lauren Sanchez is actually slightly older than Mackenzie Bezos, interestingly.
Really. I can’t stand Stephens either, but he definitely came off as the adult in the room here, an adult patiently but gently swatting away spam-children.... This exchange was so embarrassing for Samer, or at least, I felt embarrassed for him because he doesn’t seem to have the sense to do it himself.
Instead, you performed the digital equivalent of sticking your penis out of your trousers.
Congrats, Samer. You managed to make Bret Stephens look more reasonable and likable than you.
As I made clear, I’m not defending Stephenson’s opinions. He’s garbage.
Good heavens — you send the guy the sort of shallow, witless emails one might expect out of any college humanities freshman ... and you think this exchange somehow makes you look *good*?
So Stephens took the high road and you wrote a bunch of emails that look like they could have been written by an angry 12 year-old, and you actually think that by writing this and copying those emails and publishing them, we’re going to take your side?
That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.
My guess is that he stopped at the first line and thought the other guy was gloating at Cohen’s misfortune.
Wait...someone described Michael Cohen as a man “with no reason to lie or obfuscate”, and Don Jr. retweeted it? How are these people so fucking bad at this?
“...is a racist, a conman, and a cheat.”
The irony wasn’t lost on me at the time that Mr. Trump in 2011 had strongly criticized President Obama for not releasing his grades. As you can see in Exhibit 7, Mr. Trump declared “Let him show his records” after calling President Obama “a terrible student.”
Hi I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter because I need more of your historic home decor commentary in my life.
If you need a fix, the BBC show Restoration Home has a mess of full episodes on YouTube.
I have mentally moved into so many houses on that feed...
This house is a registered landmark so any renovation plans have to be approved by the Texas Historical Commission and conform to their guidelines (so a slight sigh of relief that it wont be shiplapped to hell and back).
You won’t regret it. Or you may because you want to buy all the houses, like I do.