
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

My midwife put it to me in an interesting way at one point. I asked her about an IUD that could potentially prevent periods and asked if there was a downside to that at all. She was like “No, it’s totally fine. I mean, if you think about it, spending years and years getting a period every month isn’t typically natural

I take my birth control without the placebos each month. I haven’t had a period is maybe 6 or 7 years. And I’m so grateful for that because when I was getting them (even when I was on the pill), the pain was so bad that I could easily spend several days vomiting and in such intense pain that my vision was fuzzy. I’m

Regular reminder- Getting kicked out of school is not something you need a jury for. He has done something serious enough to be charged with a crime. You do not have a right to an education at the college of your choosing. The police rarely charge people without mountains of evidence, so right away, the odds are that

Wolfgang Ballinger? That cannot be his real name. It just can’t. I mean, was Awful Villain Person already taken?

Let’s do it.

Is it okay that I’m all bittersweet tears over here?

What a strong woman.

I felt like this a lot in my first marriage, where he literally never had any idea what to give me for gifts. Even if I specifically told him to buy me X for my birthday, he’d come home with the equivalent of Marge Simpson’s bowling ball. Because he never actually thought about me.

The current Mr. Bells, on the other

Ohh I think they have chemistry coming out of their ears!

Yup. I ran into this with a group of friends a while back. We are spread out all over two countries so we made a small Facebook group to chat to each other in. We share everything. Really personal stuff. Then we found out that the one girl’s jealous husband had access to her Facebook account and was reading our group

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

This, so much this! At 6'4" 210 (a very lean 210) I have zero legroom to begin with. I always take the window seat to I have a place to lean and even then my knees are always touching the seat in front...this is with me sitting as straight up as possible (not ideal for long flights). So when someone, who is much

You’re lucky to be annoyed by that. My knees are pinned against the seat in front of me. I use magazines and slide them in between my knees and the seat to soften the metal contained in there. It is not possible for the person sitting in front of me to recline at all, but oh do they try. again and again and again.

Not checked through all of the comments so perhaps this has been mentioned already and if it has please feel free to disregard this but if it hasn’t, can we please address the issue of reclining?

So they goofed on Obama for his alleged “mom jeans” and his tan suit (that he looked great in), yet Ted’s porno-theater style filthy raincoat warrants nary a quip?

I'm sure it feels better in some ways, but it's also a hell of a lot more difficult, and I'm amazed at what she was able to do tonight


I love President Obama. I also love Hillary Clinton. They both want to address the pay gap. That said, is anyone else annoyed that news articles are constantly saying there is no excitement for the Hillary Clinton campaign. I feel, once again, sexist media keeps repeating this causing people to believe it. Every woman

In this article, which is wonderful, and where the Pres says he will require companies to report pay by gender AND RACE... you should clarify that the pay gap is ALSO race specific; black women earn MUCH less than white women. Don’t overlook that.