
You think cops' mindsets are determined by how a city votes in a general election? Are you an actual human being, or just a brighter-than-average marsupial?

Who is Lorde?

Apparently no one thinks platform stilettos are out of place in the office anymore. They should be, though. Them shits are dangerous.

Yeah, Nevada and Florida make sense... But Arkansas?!?!

In the Fall of 2008 I went to an early afternoon Jets game. We arrived at the stadium to tailgate at 9:30am, and by 10am were playing flip cup. Needless to say it got dicey after that. Fast forward about 12 hours, and I'm at a bar (not a restaurant - a bar) in the East Village with my friends and we are all pretty

indulging in Curly Fries I wasn't permitted to eat for 3 years

I think it's more "doing something by yourself" vs "begging the other person to come back."

"...I knew he was going to say something smart, but I didn't know what he was going to say."

I have never been to this Cracker Barrel place, they don't have any restaurants in California. I just looked them up to see what the food is like, but also found articles about prior lawsuits. Apparently the company has a long history of discrimination, no thanks. Now I understand why your hubby gave them that

Celebrity Edition!

I've never understood why that isn't thought of as the way to leave it. Even if the only advantage is the aesthetic, it's still way worth it.

Totally. It also stops the toilet water agitation from spraying the inside of your bathroom with filth-mist.

I don't understand why this isn't just common knowledge. It should be everyone's responsibility. You also don't have to worry about dropping anything in the toilet and it helps reduce the amount of germs that fly out of it when you flush. C'mon, people.

Look, I found the best answer a couple years ago:

They must know my father in law. My mother in law jumps up to get him coffee, and he is very proud of his inability to make even the most basic food for himself. What's more, he was openly antagonistic about my dad, who always did his share (and then some, whole other story) and who is a very accomplished home cook.

Friend of a friend in college didn't know that softener wasn't laundry detergent. He bought it because he liked the teddy bear mascot. His clothes got softer and softer and dirtier and dirtier.

This. This forever. I'm no neat freak. My small apartment gets a quick overall clean about once a month and I keep shoes and clothes picked up, especially now that I'm sharing such a tiny space with my boyfriend. After years of relationships and casual dating with men who had literally never wiped down a bathroom sink

I know so many women in college who worked, took care of their kids AND went to school while their husbands only had work on their plate. The husbands still expected the wife to cook and clean. I only knew one woman whose husband was considerate enough to do the cooking because he realized she had more on her plate

Benevolent sexism is the more accurate term. It's so fucking patronizing to women. It's one of those 'jokes' that are supposed to make us feel better about being women staying within their small gender box like saying that "hey, you don't have as much institutional power as men but you have your feminine wiles which