
I've had a roomba for years and love it. Two cats and a dog at one time, no kids. Your floors need to be relatively clear and thin cords (like speaker cords) tucked away somehow so it doesn't get tangled. But it does a good job. I have hardwood floors and thick wool rugs and it works well for us.

I did switch doctors after that, but I still don't like mine. The last doctor was a woman, and the new doctor is a man. The woman doctor was fine, but a little judgmental, and occasionally I got scheduled with one of the men in her practice, and frankly, I don't think that guy would do any better than the women in

Someone (@fmanjoo) made this analogy on twitter

Once I asked the admin of a message board to ban a guy for graphically telling me to die with every post I made for weeks (after I tried laughing it off, ignoring him, and straight up asking the guy to stop) and he said; "I don't believe in censorship."

Yeah, there are a LOT of folks who seem to think that "free speech" means that you are legally obligated to say every foolish thing that comes into your stupid skull.

i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.

I guess the actual thing I can't understand is deciding to tell everyone how a restaurant ought to serve a dish when I'm not even clear on what that dish is. I also can't understand getting as angry as you apparently are at a very mild rejoinder in response to your embarrassing comment.

I worked in a fancy Italian restaurant in NoLIta where a customer almost choked cause he was trying to eat the mussel shell. He was angry at the server for "leaving the shells on." It makes the paper seem like a totally reasonable thing to eat!

It's literally wrapping the entire dish. Removing it would be a struggle and cause a mess. How about people just don't be stupid?

I am not even surprised anymore when I pass someone going 40+ mph on a major thoroughfare or on the Mass Pike with their head down, clearly reading or sending a text.

Because it's wrapping the entire thing and removing it would involve reaching in and grabbing the person's food. That's what fish en papillote IS; that's how it's fucking served.


She was checking it before sending. I assume she did this by reading it over. Not good when driving. She should do what my husband does, which is to use voice to text with a heavy accent and *never* checking before sending. The results are comically incoherent, rather than butt impaling.

GOOD. Too bad it wasn't worse. Fuck this lady.

Kinda fuck her. HOW LONG have we had "Don't Text and Drive" education, ads, and horrible stories about the consequences? She could have killed someone

But nooooo! It takes being, literally, impaled up the rectum for this chick to get with the program. FFS!

a friend was texting her boyfriend while driving (I was her passenger) and when I called her out on it, she got snippy with me. I really didn't know that people still did this ( besides teens, we 're in our thirties). I just couldn't believe that she thought texting a silly message to her boyfriend while driving on a

When I was a kid I would chew muffin paper like gum, true story.

Thanks Opheelia. You're right; it does. Apologies for that! Here's some further info from one the linked articles.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From

Do we REALLY need to have a conversation about the history of American Indian boarding schools run in this country for hundreds of years and their policy of forcibly cutting children's hair in direct violation of their native cultures in an effort to destroy their identities and reshape them as good little Christian