
For nearly 25 years, my dad was the most widely-read syndicated medical columnist in America. He received over 2,000 letters every week from men, women, and teenagers from across the country and around the world asking for advice.

WHY. WHY are women seen as over-sensitive and "hysterical" and told to calm down about this shit.

I think I may have a solution to this problem; remove the ability for airline seats to recline more than a few inches. If you can't fall asleep sitting like that you clearly aren't tired enough and need more booze. Or you're a dick and need to pussy up and be uncomfortable for a while.

Dude, I would totally use one of those devices. I had some spoiled self-entitled little SHORT asshole (didn't even need all his own legroom!) try to lie in my lap, bruising my long knobbykneed legs, all the way from Tokyo to LA. He got all passive-aggressive with me because he didn't like the feeling of my kneecaps

WTF? This is illegal?! That seems kind of...melodramatic.

just came here to tell you they are not illegal and not ban on any airlines as of yet. If someone reclined into my seat i would continue to knee the seat until the person in front realized it's extremely rude for us taller people with little space already. I will be purchasing one and urge all others with long legs to

Everyone saying "JUST PAY FOR EXTRA SPACE" can go sit next to 6 screaming babies for a transcontinental flight.

And I thought I was being rude on my flight to London, the guy next to me kept putting his arm on the arm rest which was also my remote for my TV. Cue having to tell him every 30 minutes or so, "Could you PLEASE not hit the controls for my TV, you're going to blow my ear drums out if you hit the volume one more time."

as someone who is 6'3 I've gotten into a couple verbal altercations with seat recliners. It's so uncomfortable travelling for an hour plus with the seat digging into your knees and it's even worse when your on a bus and it goes over bumps. I had to commute to a satellite campus for school and it was like this every

Sure "rules is rules", but can we at least agree that anyone who insists on causing harm to another person for the sake of their own marginal increase in comfort is pretty much in the wrong?

Consider, rules allow me to thrust a stick in random directions when I walk down the street but as soon as I poke someone with

I have long legs. On my last flight, the woman in front of me turned around:

Woman: You are bumping my seat.
Me: You have your seat reclined and I do not have enough room to cross my legs or reach my bag on the floor without bumping your seat.
Woman: You need to stop bumping my seat.
Me: I'll make you a deal. If you put

When someone in front of me reclines all the way back . . . like their head is nearly in my lap, I like to blow softly on their head. If that fails, I lean my elbows on the headrest of their seat and say in as "cute" as possible a voice . . . "HI, How you doin'? Whatcha doin'? OOOH, I haven't read your book, do you

Because there is so little space between seats in economy on most airplanes, no seat should be reclinable. I never recline my seat while in economy as I am not an asshole.

The Knee Defender is not "illegal." But the FAA does allow the airlines to establish their own policies about its use, and United forbids them.
I agree with Gizmodo: what should be forbidden is seat-reclining in Coach. There just isn't room for it any more.
I'm 6'5", and these days I don't need a special device to

On a transatlantic flight about a year ago, we were on a redeye that was about 98% full. We had about 3 hours of driving ahead of us to get home after the flight, so my husband really, really needed the sleep. The row in front of us only had one woman in it, and she reclined ALL 3 seats to lay down and sleep (and she

I'm actually tall for a woman, but not quite tall enough to push the headrest down into the hollow of my neck which would be ideal. Instead they push my head forward a couple of inches and it only takes a few minutes to start to hurt.

When you find this out, please report back. I think this information could benefit society as a whole.

I never get to use an armrest when I sitting next to a man who is a stranger. It's just the way it is. I need to ask the men in my life why armrest territory control is so critical.

I'm a 6'4" male with unusually long legs. Doctors say that men tend to get more of their height from their torsos, whereas women get it from their legs, but I get my height from my legs. If I sit in an airline seat in the normal position with my legs directly in front of me, it is impossible for a person to move

Reclining is the biggest scam. it doesn't actually make you more comfortable. it just gives you the illusion of control. and in the process pisses off the person behind you.