
Nothing wrong with that. You were telling him something important about who you are: you love to cook, and you're good at it. There is no need to make yourself smaller for an overgrown child who wouldn't appreciate something that's important to you.

"I love my friends and the joy of sharing food" <~~~ bingo! In retrospect it was silly to prepare fish without asking first... you're right about that for sure. I think I just wanted to do something different and exciting. I guess I was trying to show off a little ;)

Yeah I should have asked if he liked fish. I did make the pico de gallo, from cilantro and onion and tomato that I bought, at the market. For me cooking isn't about "showing off" it's about sharing food with someone. It wasn't a big deal if he didn't like my cooking, but it was rude for him to reject it without

Me either! I'm a trained chef and I love to cook and try new restaurants and I just couldn't handle being with someone who didn't feel the same way. I know a couple of "foodies" (I hate that word and we really need to come up with something else) who married non-foodies and they seem happy, but I wouldn't have been.

Can a person love "foreign" foods and also be racist? Of course. However, not liking "foreign" foods leads me to suspect a few things which can be confirmed or refuted by getting to know the person. They might be xenophobic (extremely related to racism). They might not have an appreciation or respect for cultures

Reading this article I wanted to chastise you for snobbery, but the more I read the more I was reminded of my best friend and her husband, and I can't help but agree. She pretty much buys two completely different sets of groceries— down to the milk. She's a fitness nut and he's... not. On its own that seems like a

What a monster. Good riddance!

Roasted!! They're the best!!

Here! Cook them like this:

I don't have a lot of dealbreakers...but if onions and garlic aren't cherished parts of your world, bye-bye.

Yeah, that kind of thing is a dealbreaker for me too. And not liking any "foreign" foods would be a HUGE "possible/probable racist" red flag!

This makes me think of a guy I once dated briefly... the relationship ended because I wanted to make him a delicious home cooked meal, and he requested tacos. OK great, I love tacos, here comes delicious fish tacos on homemade wheat tortillas with pico de gallo sourced from the farmers market. No good, he doesn't

People who "hate vegetables" just annoy the shit out of me. Really, you hate ALL 98,000 kinds of vegetables? All of them? And you for sure just really hate every single vegetable, and it's not some kind of bullshit contrary/macho stance that you think makes you a badass?

I'll be honest, if I met a guy who only wanted to eat at McDonald's and said right away that he didn't like 'foreign' foods (as I have heard some people say before), there probably wouldn't have been a third date. My husband and I are unabashed foodies and get a lot of pleasure out of sharing new experiences. It

Here are a few thoughts from me, an Oklahoma pastor:

Yeah, that happens quite a bit in my faith, sadly :( I'm really glad that there are progressive Christians like Rachel Held Evans around to counter that.

I've been wanting to use this.

Screw you Mark Driscoll! At home I always sit down to pee. If you had to clean your own toilet and had any common sense you would too!