
Wow, that was really rude.

I do not consume pornography, and I find this comment deeply upsetting and personal. I have political disagreements with your constant defense of the porn industry, but that gives you no right to comment on my body or perceived mental health.

Yay!!!!! More people who do not have a clue what feminism is attempting to explain it to others...just what everyone needs.

So the first order of business for Conservative University is a video about feminism. That means, that of all the topics they care about, they decided this will be the one that will hook people on their product and have them coming back for more. But the conservative "war on women" is just liberal rhetoric. OK.

Um, not everyone can go to or lives near a health clinic that gives away birth control. Also your primary concern about expectations regarding working women and pregnancy have been partially taken care of by things like FMLA and other women breaking that glass ceiling. Further, as a woman and a worker, I've had two

Well, congratulations on your ability to pay for your own reproductive choices. Unfortunately, many women are not in the same financial situation as you are regarding the purchase and maintenance of birth control. If we had a world where everyone had the ability to make decisions free from coercion, expectations, or

If you're "very uncomfortable" with the idea of your employer paying for a particular medical treatment, you can always pay for it yourself out of pocket...just as you're doing now.

I'm not a germaphobe so it doesn't bother me, but every time a lemon arrives with my drink it reminds me of Anthony Bordain's book saying that the lemons were the nastiest thing in a restaurant (or some foodie type book said that).

See, I don't get when someone can't grasp a word like that. "Fa-hee-tas." Simple sounds. I just don't get it.

I'm going to be damned pissed if all the conservative justices actually side with Hobby Lobby. Where will the line be drawn on religious belief exempting someone from the law!

Guuuuuyyyyysssss PLEASE stop feeding the troll. I mean come on, look at the username.

Nah. But he did just save 15% on his car insurance by switching to GEICO.

I read the first part of this and thought you were going to tell us that he made $7,500 online last week.

Are you just trolling, or are you actually unclear on 3 being less than an entire article's worth of rules?

Marriage equality is definitely the more appropriate phrase, but since Wisconsin's ban was specifically on "gay marriage" rather than being a ban on "marriage equality" it would've been incorrect of me to label it as such. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, there.

"it's news because frankly, gay people being treated with some of the same niceness and courtesy straight people have been benefiting from for forever IS news. It doesn't happen as often, and we should celebrate it when it does, so that we can get to the point where it actually will no longer be news."

Only sort of related, but am I the only person who just can't get into Instagram? Twitter finally justified itself when I said something nice about Yvette Nicole Brown and she replied with a smiley face. That was neat. But Instagram? My mind just cannot process that many photos. If a photograph is interesting enough

regardless of anyone's size, it's shitty to judge or mock people for their presumed eating choices.

One thing that gets on my nerves is women who won't let other women eat in peace. The ones that look at your plate always and watch everyone eat. If you have a salad, they shit on you for eating just a salad. If you eat pizza, they give you shit for eating pizza. "Are you really going to eat that greasy thing? Really,

Had a good friend in high school who was hyperthyroid and couldn't gain a lot of weight. She was always eating a TON and then people spread rumors that she was bulimic and therefore "messed up" because wow there's no way possible for someone so thin to eat lots of food! I hate people.