
I'm your age and my consumption was approximately the same until 4 months ago when I quit drinking. My social circle drinks about the same amount and some of them handle it fine and dandy and others do seem to be problem drinkers. For me, I've always felt I had a poor relationship with alcohol. I used it as a

"I want to save up for college and buy my family a house"

The pose makes this

Jodie Marsh wins this

Sure, just don't start off the discussion by saying that these kids aren't American. Instead, talk about culture, expectations, income, social ties, parental education, individualistic vs. conformist values, etc... Like yes, there are reasons, but talk about the reasons without making value judgements.

This is why the term "all American girl/boy" pisses me off. You never hear that term associate with non-white people because it reinforces the racist ideology that only Caucasians are the Real Americans(TM). And this explains why the media rarely shows Asian Americans in tv shows and movies. Asians are only allowed to

You tried.

Jesus H. Christ that woman is literally the devil :( If it makes you feel better, people that are that persistent in their assholery are usually projecting BIG TIME. What a sad waste of space.

I would have felt the same, but it is good to know that you have gotten enough distance between now and then to see that most people were probably not judging you.

This. THIS. I identify with this so much. A chair creaks when I sit down? It must be my weight. A chair scooches back when I'm going to sit down? My girth. Sitting on things is a constant mental humiliation for me.

"Subjective perceptions" are literally the only way anyone can actually evaluate their own personal experiences. Humiliation itself is, by definition, a subjective perception.

thats fucking chilling. no one deserves that. why do you think that cunt acted that way, just curious. I kind of want you to track her down and humiliate her by telling your story. social media crucifixion is too good for her.

That woman is the worst. I'm so sorry she was so awful. <3

The most humiliating moment in my life was going to the er with bleeding wrists and being laughed at by the doctor. Just scratches, she sneered. No reason to bother someone at that hour. It was late at night in a small town hospital. I still remember how blond her hair was and that her nails were perfect. It's weird.

That story is hilarious, and made even more hilarious knowing it happened to Lindy West. Mainly because I know that feeling of trying so hard not to fit into a stereotype that you end up being exactly that in front of as many people as possible.

Haha no... but the police don't really give a shit about what's legal or illegal, they care about what they can charge you with. Which is anything they fucking want.

Not when this dumb lady was speaking loud enough in the Target that I couldn't escape her manic bullshit for like 6 isles. And, if you didn't take the time to read what I wrote in its entirety, her loved one made it and she was implying it was because people (her) prayed hard enough and god spared him. Apparently my

I think one problem would be that we can't ask the dead whether or not they had they the will to survive.

This is the Voice, though. The American version is the same set up, with the judges' chairs facing away from the performer until they decide they'd like the contestant on their team, then they press the button and their chairs turn around. Looks still end up playing a part on the show, of course, but it's way better