
"Can ya explain that?!" "I can TRY."

JSA is one of the only Johns books I will super go to bat for every time.

Someone also mentioned Ord which would ALSO be great. But I wouldn't count out Mojo just yet. I think Mojo and Arcade are the kind of characters that Hawley would get excited about.

"Welcome, Son of Xavier to…MURDERWORLD!"

Drummer just matter of factly blowing those Belters away was stone cold badass.

I sincerely love how this show just gathers a gaggle of amazing character actors and then just turns them loose in a snowy, violent farce.

Mondasian Cybermen!

The funniest part of that was that picture of that panic stricken aide trying to get them all from the crowd so he's just stalking through the aisle with like two dozen in each hand.

The pairing of her and Daisy made this episode. The Quake Hug was a genuinely moving moment.

The shot of her rolling her eyes and then draining that wine glass was so great.

Jughead stealing the kid's sundae within seconds of meeting him was so perfectly Jughead. I like that for all the genre trappings and sexy sexiness of the whole thing, the characters are largely the same.

Margo gets funnier and funnier every week. Her doing the Conan quote to Penny who reacts with a perfectly dumb "What?" Had me in stitches. I also loved her just casually picking up the hypo and jabbing it into Q's neck while Penny and that one girl prattled. She was a queen long before she had a crown.

YES and like the super pregnant beat he takes before replying. I was kinda worried about how he would come across in this but he's such a dork and he plays it really well.

I actually just finished this, because I'm a freak that barely interacts with the outside world, and it ended up being really, really good.

He only gets better. He plays high strung very well and has a few truly hilarious moments of physical comedy and line delivery.

It kept slipping in and out when he was on Bitch Sesh and it KILLED me.

Funny you say that because he dropped "retarded" recently on Bitch Sesh about a dozen times so clearly that's HIS word to use.

Zaggin' on 'em with an unwritten cold open!

The moment when Julie went "I'm surprised you don't have them on the soundboard." only for Tom to instantly go "well it's funny you say that…"

It is an absolute crime that the Klausner/Clements/Davenport episode of the Best Show isn't on here. It didn't give us a gem like the Jim Morrison greasy spoon diner from one of Julie's last appearances but it's still the funniest thing going.