
I'm taking this as yet another opportunity to tell you all to read Si Spurrier's tremendous X-Men: Legacy which, in my opinion, is the new definitive Legion story.

Playing Diablo was like a whole new level of game playing for me. I never really had a PC but a buddy of mine did and we sat in front of that fucking thing for hours playing this game and trying to dive as deeply as we could into it.

Aida pulling some Ancient One shit was pretty freaking cool.

I am giving this a shot only because Kelly Sue DeConnick was in the writer's room and to get way more of the "Move or you will be moved" Dora Milaje on my tv.

I only got two rules. 1. Don't take my fuckin Percocet and 2. Do ya have any fuckin Percocet?

"Yeah, I know what a metaphor is. Don't tell them."

My robot brain needs beer.

So, Dynamite's non-Kevin Smith Green Hornet comics? I can dig that.

Sara throwing her shoe at the guy only to smash him in the face with the other one was just a goddamn delight. I'm glad that she's continued to be more and more awesome as the second season goes on.

I recently pulled my Gillen and McKelvie Young Avengers issues and I'll be damned if it didn't give me the same pop infused queer as fuck joy as it did the first time I read it. I also gathered up the Fraction/Aja/Wu/Hollingsworth Hawkeye and it makes me believe in heroes again.

They both fully commit and that's always fun to see. I will always love a strong choice.

"You've got to be shitting me." has to be one of the all time great Carol line reads.

"You a grown man!" Joe was on fire this episode. I also really loved his "you aren't the only one that's awkward!"

It really is. And I love that even though it's set in Gotham and they are butting up against super criminals that Brubaker and Rucka never once made it seem stylized or out there in any way. They were just honest cops trying to do an honest job in a truly insane city. One of the all time great comics of our time.

This episode has now become filmic proof of just how good of a writer Ed Brubaker is. So now instead of yelling at people about Fatale or Gotham Central, I can now just tell them to watch this and THEN seek out his books.

That and "I've seen so many of you come and go." That whole scene was dripping with menace. The acting on this show so far has been next level great.

I was hoping that Jones and Schur added some moments of not only levity but beauty as well and they did not disappoint. Plus Joe Wright's direction throughout was just phenomenal.

That was my read on it too and if so that's SO BEAUTIFUL. Such a small but devistating idea about the tech in play in that first episode.

I was okay until it showed her seeing dust in the air for the first time probably in years. This episode also showed me that we don't appreciate Bryce Dallas Howard NEARLY enough. She was incredible in this. Her forced giggling giving way to justified anger was just the best.

I laughed like hell at that. I liked it even more so that she was surprisingly cool with it, avoiding a pointeless bit of relationship drama for them both.