
He's an actor that I never thought I would see on TV and every week he reminds me why I always thought that.

Ford chastising that embarrassed tech was a nice showing from Hopkins bolstered by his monologue and crazy town banana pants office.

Gethard had a great appearance on the Best Show the other day. With one of the Impractical Jokers no less!

I just got finished with Supergirl so I'm filled with all sorts of Kryptonian goodwill.

I recently got caught up (mostly) with all the Rebirth titles and I am still gobsmacked at how all around strong that line is. DC went from being a grim pale impression of itself to an honest to Rao powerhouse again and I'm really happy about it.

"You're the one that keeps asking me questions!"

"Skeet ULRICH" -Tom Scharpling

Age of Heroes or Reign of the Mad King or GOOD DAY, SIR

It REALLY did, didn't it? It was neat seeing his poetic style doing comedy but it did very much feel like a Millar concept just fleshed out a lot more.

And it's cool because other than the main hook, it's pretty street level and he barely does that anymore.

Flash Fact.

I get it. I just liked him doing something fairly straight forward and crime themed.

Happy! Is one of Morrison's better late period works. I'm not sure how it can survive past a season but it would be a fun season.

This one and Moon, to me, are the best crystallizations of what their best sound is.

It's always between this one and Moon and Antartcia when I want to put something on just to zone out to. When I was younger, I didn't appreciate this one as much as I should have but now that I've matured, I really dig the hell out of it.

I've just recently revisited this album and I think it may be one of my favorite ones from them.

The plan is "Let Ed Brubaker Do Whatever The Fuck He Wants".

TOTALLY spaced on Howard and Silver Surfer. Very good catches. I need to catch up on Spider-Woman and Mockingbird.

I do too! When a new issue comes out I usually go back and read the previous two issues because I know that it's going to be incredible as a complete work.

Well, yeah. I should have said one of the. Vision is incredible as is SHIELD (when it gets released).