
She's like this amazing mixture of Kimmy Schmidt and Annie Edision but with the kind of quick fire weirdness that only cartoons can provide. I'm really disappointed that we will never get more of it.

OH MY GOD. I had totally forgotten about that. The runner about her trying to bide her time until she could nail Fred with a snowball too was so damn funny. I never in a million years thought that Daphine would be my fave on a Scooby Doo show.

Bendis' Defenders has really impressed me so far. It's not really the super strange and wacky Defenders I really want but it's a pretty fun book. But yeah, he certainly gets that he's more of a kung fu weirdo than just a guy consumed by revenge.

But that's just the thing, his anger slipped away as the mask that it was and gave way to, yeah, a lonliness but also a weirdness and a desire to connect to people in a way that he never could in Kun 'Lun. Instead of letting that bog him down, he let it raise him up and make him more zen about his station and his

I'm still convinced that if they actively made Danny aware of his own privilege and spin that it into aloofness and a genuine desire to do good like they do in the comics that he would come across SO much better. I hate that one of my all time favorite characters that starred in TWO of my all time favorite runs is

Oh, Christ their Daphine was hysterical. Her whole obsession with puppets killed me. She reminds me a lot of how Melody is written in the new Josie and the Pussycats comic. I'm so glad to hear other people responded to that show. I thought it was truly hilarious and a great natured piss take of the whole deal. I think

I haven't gotten around to this yet, but I'm way the hell in the bag for it already. I'm glad Kate Miccuci is getting more voiceover work. Her Velma in the criminally underrated Be Cool, Scooby Doo is one of the great Velmas of our time and probably my favorite.

I take umbrage with the idea that Jimmy Olsen is useless.

I've been banging this drum for a while now too. I've been kind of obsessed with their locations in relation to the Wall and who all has one. They HAVE to have some sort of significance if only for some kind of spell or activation once the wights break through the Wall.

Hawley/Russos= YAY!

I seriously want Tom to put the screws to him about this the next time he calls the Best Show and tries to dance around the fact that he is who he is while at the same time giddily trying to trade on WHO HE IS.

The way he hits "The city is FLYING, yeah?" that second time is just so Clint. I love it.

*nocks arrow* "I could do it, ya know…nooooobody would know."

YEAH HE WOULD. It's about time we got a Doctor with an incredible beard (that also happens to be a super handsome Indian man). After the Dominatrix episode I started thinking that McIver could be a good Master too.

He had a system in his trailer for Season 2 because he instagramed him and Robert Buckley (Major) playing something but I don't remember what.

I'm his "friend" on there, yeah and we happened to be playing Destiny at the same time and were roughly in the same Light bracket and we played a Crucible match. I didn't have my headset handy but he was the good kind of chatty, like at least calling where enemy players were and where heavy ammo dropped.

The scene of the family all racked with grief, falling about the place sobbing, and starting to slap each other in the head at the missing persons wall kills me every time.

His reactions and silent physical business during bigger moments are seriously amazing. He's also a damn fine Destiny player as I got matched with him on a fireteam during a Crucible match. Every time I see him pop up on Xbox Live it's always a treat.

This scans so hard it kinda gives me a headache. Though I will WB would just commit to their devastation of Superman and just reveal that he's Ultraman and have The CW Superman working with the Legion in order to breach worlds and save Earth-2 before the Justice Lords are established.