
Vision is DEFINATELY up there. That book is masterclass in tension building.

This book is easily the most beautifully written thing Marvel has published in a long while.

those video packages of him post-injury were an instaneous face turn. You couldn't watch them all in the lead up the the Shield triple threat and NOT think Rollins was an ultra face and Roman was still an entitled prig that just happened to get yet another shot.

Now THAT was the Rollins we should have gotten when he came back from injury.

I feel like that is yet another costume that the MCU could do wonders for. The original is amazing but I think it could really pop on screen.

And Introducing, Jessica Jones! With The Amazing Super Side-Eye!

I just want to see Jessica Jones making fun of everyone.

This looks like cash grabby bullshit but I would be lying if I said the thought of a zombified Metal Gear armor didn't interest me at least a little.

Somewhere a community theate is about to get a truckload of subpar sets.

Though this isn't surprising everyone should be reading DC's Future Quest right now which is waaaaaaaaaaay better than it has any right to be.

I think it was Rodrick Strong that said that if he ever sees him at a PWG show again that he's going to beat the shit out of him.

I actually just finished DOOM last night and holy shit, what a fun game. Decimating a room full of demons with the BFG was one of the most satisfying game experiences ever.

I was kinda hoping this was about how goddamn annoying he is at wrestling shows.

Graveyard Quest should 100% be on this list.

She's the Thirteenth Doctor.

Dominic Cooper has the best facial expressions.

And it's CRAZY the amount of minutae that does into a Shadowrun game but you hit it on the head.

Oooohhhh I didn't even think about that.

It's kinda slow at first but once it gets going, it does NOT let up.

Casey Wilson also suffered some backlash here recently by saying she hated it on Bitch Sesh. It was hysterical.