
When I saw There Will Be Blood, my friend just kept turning to me and going "Jesus Christ, I wanna mash that fucking guy's face in" at least six times before the credits rolled. It was awesome.

*DEAD* please bury me in heart emojis.

Someone on here earlier reminded me that he kinda pushed back against stuff last but in this opening he was like a living reaction reel. It was super distracting.

Yeah, I knew he wasn't around in Lambs and it would make sense to off him in order for Clarice to fully become the lead.

Okay, so you make some great points and had actually forgotten about Jay bristling at some stuff last season BUT I have to be honest, as soon as I got to the end, I just started obsessing over UnReal/Mad Men recasts.

WAIT WUUUUUUUUUT?! I never read any of the book but now I have a huge ass reason (aside from loving the show and most of the movies) to.

Bleh. Take that shit down the road, Problematic Tumblr Teens.

YEUP. Like shipping Quinchal (a name I totally just made up) as a BROtp or as a semi-romantic (which it 1000% is, no matter what anyone says. They love each other, in their own way.) professional relationship is fine, but as for romantic ships, they are allllllllll toxic as all fuck and intensely destructive.

I seriously loved that. This show always zigs when I expect it to zag. I thought the same thing. Either she was going to be their moral center OR just break down completely and head to the place that Shia seemed to retreat to. But her rising up and absolutely LOVING the taste of producing power makes me very excited

PREACH. A hale and hearty bitch, please to him for even ENTERTAINING the idea that his presence would somehow knock Rach off her game or cause her some sort of grand, romantic revelation that all she needed in her life was a milquetoast white guy to make sure a full and complete woman. Also, him sneaking around with

EXACTLY. It's totally unearned and the direct opposite of his S1 character. I DO like though that they've (for now) avoided making Madison shoulder that responsibility. That post interview scene and her in the bullpen with the rest of the deviants was candy.

There was a lot to love about this premier including Madison vomiting in shame only to rise and proclaim "That was AMAZING!", which leads me to believe she will become Rachel's new go to gladiator as well as Chet becoming the MRA dicknose we all knew he could be BUT Jay's characterization really bugged the shit out of

It's nice to see that Jeremy is still a self righteous asshole. I don't think I hate a character on TV more than I hate Jeremy.

OH MAN, that salt bit was soooooo grimly funny. I mean, nobody wants to see a family ripped apart but as soon as he hung back, I was like "Ennis is about to splatter these characters across the page and it's going to be hilarious."

Comment Section Hamilton was solid gold from top to bottom. Anytime Hayes comes to the Undisclosed Location (still looking for independent sponsorship!) it's always a good time. I wish they could have engaged the callers a bit more, aside from hammering Hollywood Heads but I was laughing the whole way through.

Thaaaaaaat's right. I totally forgot about the meat fucking thing. I'm kinda fuzzy on a lot of the side villains other than the Grail, TC and Jody, and DeSade.

I hate it in the books too. It's like he could just give us ONE ragtag group of heroes without turning them into rapists and killers.

Can someone remind me about Quincannon? It's been a fair bit since I've read this so I seriously have no idea who he is.

I really hate that the Brotherhood has gone from a band of lovable rogues to literal reavers.

GENERATION. That's right. I vaguely remember it being in TV as a kid and Matt Fewer being the villain