
Calling it now, Dr. Manhattan is the new Anti-Monitor like character and one of the three Jokers is a dimensionally displaced, and fully insane, Eddie Blake.

Captain Cold can fuck up EVERYBODY'S shit.

Man, I forgot just how many of Luke's rogues were going to be in this AND still surprised at just how many rogues he actually had. Most of my Luke Cage knowledge comes from Alias and New Avengers so this is going to be a treat.

That seems more likely. Like he feels her truly starting to slip away so he needed to get in some sort of last second jab in order to plant the seed of alienation so that she might come back to him.

OH YEEEEAHHH! I totally forgot about that. I figured since we finally got the Tower of Joy and now this hint from him, we are finally moving closer to Jon figuring out his true parentage and possibly coming face to face with his silver haired other half-sister (maybe becoming her Hand? That would be pretty boss).

I rewatched this episode and something occurred to me that I wanted to put to the group. Do we think that Littlefinger's "Half brother." remark is a pointed jab to him being a bastard in order neg her decision to strike out on her own OR possibly a suggestion at his knowledge of his possible Targaryen heritage?

I believe I speak for all of us when I say, where is the fucking line? I'll stand in it for days. Fuck it, double down, make Hiddleston HER Bond Boy and have her sex the pain out of him.

They held on his lifeless body for SO LONG. I genuinely though he was going to be dead too. It would have been the comedy TV beat of the century if he would have just kept lying there and the priest just kept glancing around at all the Ironborn just standing there with their thumbs up their asses.

It's SO WEIRD that he has barely been mentioned on the show lately when Book Jon can't stop talking about that fucking guy for more then three paragraphs.

It's also compounded that I honestly never thought that Hodor would get a moment like that; emotional or heroic. It just came out of fucking nowhere to punch me right in the neck.

As much as I love Arya hanging out in The Temple of Black and White, it's going to feel like such a waste once she bails in order to rejoin her family or seek her own revenge. There is no way she is actually going to complete the training, right? She's way too emotional and still consumed by revenge.

And they are made even worse by forcing you to use the newest upgrade you just acquired and pitting you aganist the latest gimmicky drone upgrades. I seriously hated those.

I thought Coldhands might be a reach since the door is still open for Benjen at some point but WHOO BOY do I wanna see the Zombie Celganes tee off on each other.

Really glad that they are starting to streamline all the magic plots (Robert Strong and The Three Eyed Raven stuff). It was cool when it was all just conjecture and teasing glimpses in the books but that wasn't going to fly in the show.

Thank you so much! That's the next few weekends and slow work days sorted.

Hey! I was wondering when we were going to get another crack at Anne Rice adaptations.

Bless you, Thants. Blants.

HA! Do you have any suggestions on where to start other than Monster Factory? It's kinda overwhelming, honestly.

Someone sent me the Anor Londo song that one of them sang the other day and I've listened to it like six times already.

Christ on the cross, that's real fucked up. The whole idea of people scouring through their social media presence in order to ambush them when they are just out and about is one bag of lye away from a Dateline Mystery.