
Why are you paying $60 for internalized misogyny and male aggressive behavior when you COULD just be paying, THATS RIGHT MAGGLE, $9.99!?

Isn't she from New Jersey? And if he does, that just adds another layer of shittiness onto this sheet cake of male entitlement.

I can almost promise that this dude isn't even registered to vote. He probably thinks you have to subscribe to America for $9.99 like the WWE Network.

I love that I've just scratched the surface of the McElroys. I started watching Monster Factory because of Kate Leth's hysterical fan art from it but it seems like every other day I find out they do something else that also sounds hilarious.

Whatever it is would at LEAST be +2 to Attack.

One of the bird persons.

There is a lot to unpack in the "this is America" comment.

Jesus I love this movie. This first attack straddles the line between horrifying and comedic beautifully. One of my favorite moments is when Gang-du and that nameless American try to get that chain off the door of the trailer that the monster is trapped inside of with all those people and Gang-du has absolutely no

That's a BINGO.

As cool as it is to see Gallows and Anderson on Raw, I am really going to miss Luke's world class swearing. I still laugh about his "TELL 'EM HOW FUCKING FAMOUS WE ARE, KELLY!" from Power Struggle I think it was.

"Well, at least he's not going to say that anymore."

That's SO weird. I can't imagine that episode being panned. Of course, I came to Dollhouse super late so I really don't have any frame of reference on how it was perceived in real time.

I'm not fucking crying. YOU are fucking crying, ya wimp.

His last scene still breaks my heart.

Oh, MAN, I love that it's going to be in the style of the old Golden Books cardboard readers.

And I love that he acted above it for, like, twenty seconds and then was ALL ABOUT being The Captain. #ComeBackSeth

Cesaro makes one hell of a interim captain for the New Day until Seth comes back.

*steps up the the lectern, stack of papers in my hand.*

Daughters of the Dragon for liiiiiiiiife.

But…what about the boys' Dune puppet show?!