
This was funny and horrifying and everything, but the biggest laugh line for me is hands down "Fuck off, I've got a banana."

Flash Fact.

OH GOD, '01 Rock or like Corporate Champ era Rock would have been PERFECT for Namor. He's too goddamn bulky now. I've always wanted Namor to be lithe. He should have a swimmer's body ideally and obviously.

Don't you fuckin' tease me, robot.

Would it be presumptuous to hope for a Namor movie?

My editor at Newsarama fucking LOVES Longshot. And not ironically either.

So these AREN'T just collections of the surely thousands of words of fan fiction already dedicated to teen Mulder and Scully then I SAY GOOD DAY.

I was just complaining on Twitter about how the IC title had become another prop for Ambrose and up charges my fave Canadian Murder Bear to swipe it back up and truly steal the show. Seriously that match set the bar impossibly high for the rest of the show. All those guys are some of my favorite workers so I'm glad

The zombie gnawing on that kid's forehead was pretty off putting.

But it's still early days. We get to see it from the start instead of getting a four or however month time jump

Oh yeah, that is real fair. She is honestly the only reason that I'm so into it. Her and the pre-fall setting.

I just finished this up, and I gotta say, its a lot more engaging than original recipe TWD. Sure, it took a bit to get going, but keep in mind that TWD spent the better part of a year looking for a little girl in the same six patches of woods.

How did I know that Dolph's Spirit Squad run would make this list? Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one of the opinion that Deadman Taker is the *Jean Ralphio voice* WOOOO-rrrrrrrSSST. Seriously the dirt worst. When Limp Bizkit was WWE's "favorite" band.


That seriously is amazing. I thought I had heard all the versions there was to hear.

WHAT?! I had no idea!

HOLY SHIT okay let me tell you about all the insane amount of notes I have for an all female production of this. It would seriously blow the roof off the joint.

Goddamn right he does. The story was always great this was just the first version that I felt any sort of connection to. Like it wasn't didactic or hard to grasp, it was just incredible songs about two men and not some deity lording over humanity. I don't think I'll ever not love it.

I was in a production of this as Judas and it still is one of the most difficult but satisfying shows I've ever done. I'm not particularly religious but this version of the Passion hits me like a goddamn ton of bricks every time I hear anything from it.

Owens and Ambrose are a sure thing no matter the crowd.