
If I'm being honest, I'm probably at that point now. It's become a Halloween staple for me at this point.

I had completely forgotten that this was happening. And with a PLL alum no less! I love the original so I have a morbid curiosity about this.

It is one of those movies that you will have a different reaction to each time you see it. The first time you are just horrified. The second you may be moved. And the third time and the times after that you will always find something else to chew over while you watch it. It's fascinating and horrible all at the same

I couldn't have been the only one who wanted Dean to reinstate the 24/7 Hardcore rule for the IC title, right?

Woof. I cried. Not even ashamed.

I won't lie, suuuuuuuuper into the idea of The League of Nations. Fingers crossed then use some sort of Euro Pop remix of the Nation of Domination theme.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Clem Fandango! With your made up name and your children's clothes!"

This was my first encounter with him but after people in the FOT chat told me the backstory, I completely understand why.

"Well, that's one way of looking at it. The other way is that you're an annoying douche."

The best X books are always the side titles anyway. Like Legacy, Cyclops, and Marvel Knights: X-Men during the NOW line. I didn't hate Lemire's new title and I'm curious about the all new All New, but I would like a little more X-Factor and a little less, Blue/Gold Team

The thought of Toast recording an entire book in front of Clem Fandango is almost too good.

They earned a pass for life from me once I finished TWD s1. Their games are just so damn engrossing even though there is very little to do mechnic wise.

Yeah, you nailed it. "Infectious fun". Like I care about all the characters and love how its operating within the Borderlands universe, but the script is far and away the most clever one they've done.

I've loved every Telltale game I've played (with the excretion of Game of Thrones because it was way too stressful) but, TFTB may be their crowning glory so far.

"This service is appalling! I would like to speak with your manager!"

I burned through the rest of the Tales From The Borderlands episodes in between blasting people in Star Wars: Battlefront.

YES, stroke the beard of Garrett Bobby Fergiuson!

This along with Destiny makes me feel like a competent FPS player. Plus, I won't lie, it is pretty damn satisfying to huck a grenade and see a bunch of bucketheads go flying.

I'm pretty excited about this movie but I'm considerately less excited about him playing Poirot. I was hoping someone like Stanley Tucci would play him.