While Cleveland could never be considered a great place to live, how could you possibly call it an embarrassment?
While Cleveland could never be considered a great place to live, how could you possibly call it an embarrassment?
Darren Sharper: "Enter Sandman"
His job was PR. If he does something that hinders his ability to maintain good PR for Turtle Rock, then it seems perfectly justifiable for them to fire him, as he can no longer perform the duty for which he was hired.
Poor Mike flashed back to years of bizarre bullying by his uncle Herman.
GoatZ. The multiplayer goat survival simulator.
Xbone is $500, not $400.
Better yet, I have a picture of the order. It came to $498 with shipping from Newegg.
There's a big difference between a police officer missing a suspect and hitting a bystander than a regular joe doing the same. Using deadly force doesn't come down to someone giving you a reason. It's a matter of being left with no other choice. Be alert and judicious if you carry. Using yours when you don't have to…
Looks like they created it in Madden.
There is a default widget provided by maps which shows traffic time to any destination. You can put on your homescreen, and it only takes 1x1. I used to do that when I had a few destinations that I constantly drove between.
Welcome to Choose Your Own Adventure - Prisoner Reintegration Edition!
Well we have a stupid military budget with a ton of crap being bought up for the sake of congressional districts. That should at least go to entitlements.
Also worth pointing out that those that are happier may be in a more trusting relationship, where it is more acceptable for them to disclose their use of porn.
this a trillion times.
If your girlfriend sons you, you sheepishly laugh it off then keep it moving. If your girlfriend ethers you, you quit your job and end up on the Deadspin front page.
"Don't waste it on your girlfriend, throw it through the window of a minority-owned business."
I believe Alabama refers to their favorite band as "The Wars of Northern Aggression" ...
So whatever she has, it'll drag Burke down too. THIS GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP, PEOPLE.
"I'm white and old, and Google is hard. Someone help!"