That’s an aspect I hadn’t thought of.
That’s an aspect I hadn’t thought of.
My “value judgement” is that you’re acting like an egotistical jerk. You’re expecting TS to take rather significant risks with her lengthy, highly successful career, just to accommodate your own, completely unrelatable, political world view.
Edit: Because I completely made up the “220 city” numbers, because they sounded reasonable to my uninformed self, I actually researched her last tour size. Her “1989" world tour had 170 shows. So, feel free to substitute in that more accurate number.
Yeah, I blew that “for decades” line. But she did start young, and she’s probably close to her 2nd decade in her career.
“Oregon is also starting a pay per mile tax for their state roads taxes.”
“My user name is Subaru STI at Lake Tahoe...”
I could go either way with this. I love Tesla, appreciate incentives to promote more EV’s on the road, but would also like them to stand on their own financial feet.
Do inline-4 and V-6 engines mount to the same motor-mount placement?
I guess...
Do you honestly think that’s likely in the political environment of Hollywood?
So, relatively obscure director has the courage to make provocative statements, and lambast household named celebrities at the top of their fields for not “rocking the boat” too much...
Torch is in the proper price-point, for sure. Sorry, but daddies little girl is probably going to get in a small accident by age 18. Do not buy her anything you’re not OK with being “totaled” within the first year.
ScarJo comes off as lazy and indecisive when playing the Major. She just seems sleepy and unsure.
All the Mac n cheese you ever wanted. ...Annie’s even!
...But everyone still fears their ability to establish air superiority. Why does not being shot at diminish their utility?
It fits fine.
Maybe. If by some miracle he/she wasn’t being shot at, would he suddenly no longer be in combat?
Whether it’s aircraft carriers or medics, being “in theater” still counts for something. Unless you think we should get rid of all the generals too, since they probably haven’t been in combat since WWII as well.
I get what you’re saying. But making a claim that carriers haven’t been in “combat” since WWII is like saying a combat-medic hasn’t been in “combat” if they’ve spent their entire time running up/down the beach attending to wounded.