Bum was a marine raider (the elite of the elite) in WW II. Throw no shade on Bum Phillips...
Bum was a marine raider (the elite of the elite) in WW II. Throw no shade on Bum Phillips...
If all the pit crews took the knee, what would Richard Petty do?? fire everybody? Would the drivers take the knee or stand? but they sure as hell would not drive w/no pit crew...
Well said LeBron...
He’s talking the talk again, but we’ll see if he walks that talk... he’s made a career of spouting off like this, & then toeing the party line...
I’d be ROFLMFAO if the horse gave her a “horse bite” on her shoulder. Jazz is a “See you next Tuesday”
Boyd Epley was a pioneer in strength & conditioning. His contribution to NB football was immense... Additionally he instrumental in founding NSCA...
In the affidavit, Jacobs said he “punched the man in the face between three and five times ... and then another four to seven times in the rib cage,”
Those dumb asses don’t realize that the driver has the proper customer’s name, and he/she should have called the name out...
thanks for the info
QE II—”We are not amused”
thanks. so may I infer that only the best MLS would fit in 2d division? or that all MLS teams would fir in 2d division...
I like the idea, but it could be costly $$$. Just won’t work. If NY, Atlanta &/or LA got the boot to tier 2, the loss in TV revenue would be unacceptable.
Uh, who cares??? Tier 2, tier 3 whatever. Most teams in MLS would be tier 2, 3 or lower quality by European standards...
“70+% of locals are stoked the Olympics are coming to LA” So starkford, would you be so kind to give a reference as proof to your claim
Mayor Eric Garcetti is a Pendejo...
“Rocket Man” was a “serial” shown at theaters in the early 1950's. Not sure if this is who 45 has in mind. I always wondered why he didn’t burn his ass from the exhaust w/o an asbestos pants guard...
One riot, one policeman... Why were there not more LEO’s???
“..the billion dollar stadiums that have been erected in the last few years....” called fleecing. that’s because it’s investor money, not taxpayer money...
“ People don’t realize the balls it takes to go into a situation like that in general, let alone by yourself“ Major league cojones...
How unfortunate that he is dead, and my sympathy to his family, but as a professional he should have known better. Now he is a Darwin award nominee...