
Just going off the headline here but this is really great, and it could also have environmental benefits.

I think when they “bury” a show it isn’t so much that they don’t want people to watch it, more that they feel people won’t watch it no matter how much they advertise it so they decide not to spend any money on it.

I know it was meant to be a one off gag in the movie but as someone who’s done a Masters in International Public Health, if I’d been offered a button to press that would have meant cigarettes never existed but the cost was erasing the Beatles’ music from existence, sorry guys but I’d have been mashing that button *so*

I would liked it if in a mid-credits scene, it cut to Paul McCartney as a cofounder of Apple announcing the launch of the new iTunes music streaming service or something like that.

I was entertained for a good chunk of its runtime — mostly because Patel was engaging — but boy howdy did it fail to stick the landing. Or, rather, landings — cuz the final concert was exceedingly lame and the resolution to the love story turned a woman who’d felt like an actual person into a cardboard movie

Glad he got a kick out of it, but the movie is a mess!  Fun premise, poorly executed, with little of it ringing true. I did like the Oasis joke, even if it’s a little easy.

You pretty much nailed it. Wish I could give you more stars. The author was too caught up in their own beliefs to actually see the narrative the episode was telling. The trans issue and the PC babies thing is actually more of the subplot of the episode. The real driving narrative was the Cartman story line and the

Yeah, it was definitely not my favorite episode this season either.  

I was about to post something similar. Semenya isn’t trans, in that she has always identified as female and was raised as female, and her assigned gender is female. The complication, as far as her athletics eligibility is concerned, is that she has an intersex condition which means she has element of both male and

I just can’t agree with a lot of your review. While this is an issue South Park maybe should have avoided, I ended up thinking they did a relatively enlightened job based on how I watched the episode. This is going to be TL:DR post, but what the hell:

I don’t understand how daytime soaps don’t have a huge value to streaming services. Perpetual bingeable content with an unparalleled backlog of episodes? They make entire platforms out of that.

For God’s sake, this is an article about the Simpsons and “pobody’s nerfect” was staring you right in the face! That comment’s clever...just like you! Hmm? Hmm?

I caught this elsewhere. Basically, the correct discount was to get like, 2 Whopper Jrs for $4, 2 Whoppers for $5, and 2 Double Whoppers for $6 I think. What happened was, on TOP of that, they were applying the “meal” discounts if you bought fries + drink, when those should have been regular price.

I have a Vanna White story. So I was flying from LA to Dallas and she was in the seat next to me. So we make small talk, she sees I’m reading a book she had just finished and did the whole “oh wait until you get to the part.....”. Anyway the plane is just about finished boarding an in walks Rush Limbaugh. We both make

Okay, but like, what was the mistake, and how did it happen?  All I see in the article is something about stacking discounts, but nothing about what the discounts were, or where that $8 million ended up.

But it sounds like they’re not entirely adverse to adding ads if you want to pay less, it’s only a matter of time.


Good rule of thumb for understanding our laws: imagine the reaction of, say, an old Lutheran minister of, oh, about 75 years of age. If it would be the kind of thing that would make him inveigh about “kids these days”, then we’ve almost certainly at least tried to make it illegal. If it would make him think “darn

Still no Weird Al, huh?