“But if anything was ever going to deter a guy like Shore, it was probably an insult to his own person.”
“But if anything was ever going to deter a guy like Shore, it was probably an insult to his own person.”
Which is a terrible strain on the animators’ wrists.
From Wikipedia:
I didn’t really know where her career had gone post-American Idol (probably because I’m not really the audience for contemporary Christian music, but I remember enjoying her and her personality while she was on AI. I was definitely Team ManDIVA during her run.
Excellent choice
Yes!!! That was one of the best moments of that great film.
I have to imagine this premise had to pass ABC/Disney legal first, and if they were fine it...
The super what?
Thanks for posting this. David was an old friend and really one of the warmest, most generous people I’ve ever known. Whenever we would be out in his ‘90s heyday and there would be another “Stuart sighting,” he wouldn’t hesitate to stop, introduce himself and have a conversation with a fan. He lived a big, bright,…
FFS way to make me take Baldwin’s side in something, New Mexico.
...or Animal from The Electric Mayhem.
I’m glad he said it they way he did - they’re in it to have some more fun. If they’re having fun with it, I’m happy. The original will always be great regardless of what comes next—great enough that if what comes next sucks, we’ll probably just forget about it. Kinda like the ok but not great thing they did in the…
Saw them two years ago and he’s still the same. It’s honestly quite something to behold. I’ve read that he runs like 8 miles a day when he’s prepping for a tour. You gotta admire his dedication.
In 1975, when I was a high school senior working at a pizza place in Denver, my boss (an old guy named Roger, like 31 or so, but still cool) said he’d pay for my and my co-worker’s tickets for the Stones concert at CSU if we’d wait in line overnight at Peaches Records to get the tickets. So, of course we did.
Kinda important follow-up: how does she feel about the situation now?
As someone said on Twitter, he got as close as he could to 100 without going over.
The fact that he thought he was so smart and ahead of everyone but didn’t recognize Joseph was John Redcorn’s son captured the character perfectly.
Dale was the standout character in a show full of standout characters, somehow the most cartoony member of the cast without ever feeling so over the top that he didn’t fit into King of the Hill’s down to Earth style. Hardwick always seemed to know just how far to push a Dale joke to make him seem ridiculous but never…
I’m fine with the Hulu revival not going ahead. It wouldn’t be the same show with Johnny Hardwick and Brittney Murphy. King of the Hill was a show that captured a very specific era of American life in the late 90s. It doesn’t really work outside of that context. In the 2020s Hank and Peggy are closer to Cotton’s age…