
They should not have cut the Moe part! I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

While we're on the subject, photons travel at the speed of light, so when someone shoots a laser gun at you, you can't see the laser approaching you and have enough time to move. By the time the photons reach your eye, the laser has already blown a hole through you.

On average once a day. Some days I skip, and then the following day it's a bigun
once in awhile a couple of times a day.

"These guys are from England and who gives a shit"

♪♫♬Baby on Board something something Burt Ward ♪♫♬
Hey, this thing writes itself

Or "It's Still Billy Joel to Me" for that matter.

My guess is out of respect, Al wouldn't.

Not that I'm putting down the credentials of a physicist, but wouldn't it make more sense to have a biochemist or organic chemist write the article?

Pffttt, just about everything Applebee's makes is pre-made in pouches.
I suppose if there is a little bit of garnish, then maybe there would be a need to cut an onion, but I doubt it.

If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching Space Race on Netflix, it does a good job of going over the Soviet side of the story.

Sounds like most ad buyers have some insight to get around this anyway. There must still be some incentive or the networks wouldn't do this.

Hey man, this is the innernet, I'm just here to complain. I have no solutions. Now get off my lawn! *shakes fist*

Nielsen is terrible, they should see right through this. Why the hell do advertisers go by what they say?

If you separate the components and put them together just before eating, it should be better, otherwise you get moisture migration and the wetter things dry out and the drier things get soggy.

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Norm was awesome in it!

You are going to see this a lot with pea protein in the future. Texture, flavor and color are very close!

You could also cut out the middleman and just add some MSG.