
It kind of sucks for the small local musicians that had nothing to do with this act that pretty much killed their chances of success.
I guess one could blame this act for the demise of record labels to some extent, but it was happening anyway with the rise of the internet, this probably just sped it up.

I guess if you spell 'graphical' like 'jraphical'

I totally agree!

It's no Strawberrito, but it'll do.

I know The Muppets were cancelled, but I mean come on, just renew it already or do something.

Looks like those clowns in congress did it again.

28 years. Damn, I'm old.

Maybe I'm missing something, but if they are picking up wifi signals, just encrypt everything, or don't use wifi for that.

It's comments like this that keep me reading the comments section.
Well done, Excitable Misunderstood Genius, well done.

Hey, isn't that the bass player from Satanica?
I think it is.

You are pretty spot on there, even with the best track from the album. Hell, my mother even likes that song.

Speaking of Jim Anchower, it's been a while since he last rapped at me. Did he ever get out of the clink?

Samsquatch from Trailer Park Boys is probably the scariest of them all.

They're decent enough, but they sit like a rock.

I've always thought there should be a drugged up beyond belief Olympics and clean Olympics.

Layla from Goodfellas is the correct answer. Although when I first saw the movie, the song made it to seem like the movie was wrapping up. But then, you still have another hour or so left.

I just searched all the Onion articles with 'Biden' in it and it wasn't there. I bet it was just the headline with no body or something.

It was a joke gift and really Diamond Joe is just buying time to get the keg party set up and still finalizing with Worm to get Cheap Trick to play at the White House.

Stewardess [to Homer]: Sir, what would you like for dinner? One Steak or two steaks?
Homer: Can I have both?
Stewardess: Of course, sir.

I totally remember that too!