Decepticons Forever

I’m the daughter of immigrants. I spent every day of Trump’s administration terrified that their green cards would be revoked. Every time I saw a car with a MAGA sticker I shrank into myself because I was afraid I would be the victim of a hate crime. I watched people lose jobs and die during this pandemic. I watched

I think the kids locked in cages and the people who lost family to Covid found it pretty fucking meaningful. He also undermined our elections and attempted to overthrow the government, which to quote Joe Biden is “A Big Fucking Deal”. I could go on but I’m sick of the fucker. Do not minimize the fucker, shit was not

All leading up to this moment where you fulfilled the prophecy by telling us all you helped a famous actor. :)

Well you’re clearly just angry because there weren’t enough thatched roof cottages burninated.

Save it for your red pill subreddit, buddy.

This take is bad and you should feel bad.

To be fair, this is part of the DCEU and sharing a first name has been shown to be critically important.

I do agree with this article. I realized the movie is flawed, although I’m still enjoying it tremendously.

There may be widely varying opinions on the Best Hollywood Chris, but you have united us all when it comes to the Worst AV Club Take.

implies objective truths where there are none

Wait. The “reveal” that Stormfront was a racist was supposed to be a reveal????

FFS. It’s in the name. It’s like a “reveal” that a character named “Rollingstone” is a rocker.

The only thing that made me think she even *might* not be racist is that he name is SO spot-on that I was like:”Nawww...they wouldn’t be that

Floored by this news.

Maybe because this time not only was his favourite son, part of the fight, but also his celestial commander chief Michael and his most rebel son Lucifer, all while the Earth was all freaking freeze in time (something we didnt know Amenadiel was even able to do).

He seems like someone that I’ve seen before but I can’t put my finger on it. Oh well, time to continue my career as a vampire hunter searching for the notorious vampire Laszlo...

We don’t know he got eaten— he could have ended up stabbing the Velociraptor with a hunting knife... And I like to think he did.

Mate, he was Kenyan, not Aussie.


Now playing

I love how Kingsley plays this scene. He is not at all intimidated by the kid pointing a gun in his face and easily disarms him. Then Deedee comes up behind him with another gun, and even as he’s keeping up his tough expression, you can see in his eyes he knows he’s fucked...

Right with you there. I mightily enjoy John Wick and much of Reeves’ work, but he was Sam Worthington Avatar level bland in The Matrix trilogy. Fishbourne and Weaving’s incredibly joyful over-the-top performances were the backbones of those films. Well that and really sweet techno. And leather.
