
Reader, I punched him.

To be fair, the man's not known for his comprehension of the written word.

Yeah, "mistakenly".

"In a bold move that has stunned Hollywood insiders, newly-divorced comeback-kid Troy McClure has turned down the supporting lead in McBain IV to direct and star in his own pet project: The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel. Will the gambit pay off? 20th Century Fox is betting… it will."

we in the punchin' Nazi business. And cousin, business is a-boomin!

"Berry set much of the template for the modern rock star; not just in his music, but in his role as someone whose talents as a performer battled constantly with his failings as a man"

That makes no sense. 'Reflection' is a great little song.

In Russia, film criticises you for poor pacing and thin characterization!

Actually, the second one is entertaining enough, and you get more background about Lisbeth, but the third one just insults the audience's intelligence from start to finish. The whole thing hinges on Lisbeth being put on trial for murder when we, the audience, know full well that she has evidence which exonerates her.…

Old Bow Wow Barks At Cloud

In other news, someone just told Mitch McConnell about NWA and he's mad as hell.

Why does the same shit keep happening to her?

Do yourself a favour and don't. They're really quite terrible.

But that's the day I've been waiting all my online life!

At some point, someone at Sony is actually going to watch the other two films in the original Swedish trilogy and realise how fucking steep the decline in quality is from the first one.

Alas, I too am a victim of white privilege, that is to say: my own.

The sequel will be directed by Terence Malick. He will have a midlife crisis amidst the wheat and then run off with a beautiful hollywood actress.

"Are you not entertained?"

I think this is a typo.

You're out of your depth, Donnie.