
Dear leader also picked the tie-breaker final score correctly too. It was just a coincidence that when the teams reached that score the refs called 19 straight travels

That was a long walk off a short plank, but I’ll begrudgingly give it to you since I think Peter Stuyvesant would be a proud Mets fan

That was my experience this year at Islanders games

I like the idea that mocking the process is counter to the spirit of Deadspin. Man, when you think being against conventional wisdom means being for dumb, overhyped, bad plans.

I don’t know man, what kind of jail are they building here? Is it one of those Orange is the New Black jails, because that thing attracts celebrities (Martha Stewart!) and sure looks like a fun time. And anybody who’s ever been to Danbury, CT will tell you what a boon to their local economy it’s been. They have a

I made my peace a long time ago about getting upset at people over who they vote for. Vote for who you want, just because I disagree with it doesn’t mean that it gives me some moral superiority or anything.

Yeah, I did the same thing because this is my first day using the internet or something? I don’t know, man

Are you a free speech absolutist or just looking for an argument tonight? You’re trying real hard in a few comment threads to try to moralize nazi-sympathy. Just a hint for real life, sometimes there’s more at stake than the hypothetical of the thought police and jackbooted censors coming to suppress your speech about