It’s all that suppressing of boners during matches that makes them so crazy
It’s all that suppressing of boners during matches that makes them so crazy
Hi, I’m Deadspin’s editor and the answer is “Absolutely not.” The reasons why should be pretty obvious, but the most basic one is this: Competitive gaming is a sport (there is absolutely nothing in the world that bores me more than stupid arguments over whether something is a sport, so I’ll just say this: it’s…
You should have waited an hour and posted this at 4:20.
Can’t be said often or loudly enough - stay on that soapbox, for the health of our moms, sisters, daughters, friends, wives, lovers, casual acquaintances and ourselves (if we happen to have a cervix or other women’s parts, which I do not).
Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-
As a tribute to San Diego, it should be 72 degrees. And sunny.
I love her, and I am not ashamed.
I feel like, in our generation, Fletch is never mentioned amongst the all-time great comedies, and it is most certainly an all-time great comedy.
In all fairness, nobody’s won with a floor routine that’s 50% thumb-dance since Nadia Comaneci in 1976
That was a turnover too.
Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!
BREAKING: Outsider Who Will Not Examine Actual Facts Thinks Back-Breaking Stadium Deal Was Great For City He Doesn’t Live In
Let her do it. She’s going to get hurt. But not letting her ride her bike for fear of injuries will hurt more.
Yes, because when I think of a champion, I think of 20 skiing titles dating back to the 1950s.
No chalk? At a gym? Are you sure its a gym?
He got all huffy.