My wife mocked the quad box last weekend. “It’s just four boxes it’s not that cool!” Divorced her immediately.
My wife mocked the quad box last weekend. “It’s just four boxes it’s not that cool!” Divorced her immediately.
Just wear a Hulk Hogan bandanna and bleach your moustache. Everyone knows he calls everyone brother, and isn’t at all racist.
*Does minimal amount of research*
...I don’t think you stand a chance, brother.
I know this is a short article, but I want to applaud you for just stating how to get different views, getting an informed opinion, and making judgments/decisions by yourself instead of shoving headline rhetoric down people’s throats and capitalizing on extremes.
Did you read the post I was responding to? It was a joke about how weird touchdowns are better than normal ones. Jesus christ, lighten up.
A lot of mid-80s births don't seem to realize they're Millennials.
I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.
This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.
If only Chicago had more gun safety laws so that these men couldn't get their guns legally.
Seriously. Nobody wants to take that prima donna bullshit from a guy who goes on to be 2x super bowl mvp. You start to let winners play for your team, and it changes who you are. Chargers never did that and aren’t about to start now.
Good analogy.
No, it has the Chargers.
The Chargers are the only team in the league that demands offset language in every rookie contract. Bosa’s side was willing to accept that demand, but under the stipulation that he receive the entirety of his signing bonus up front.
your potential employer is going to ask what you’ve been doing since college, and you’re going to want an answer better than “eating cereal and watching my parents’ TV at 2PM”.
Protect your monocle from popping out, because I have about to say something shocking:
I don’t give a shit.
Cargo Shorts or GTFO. I'm too old to worry about impressing anyone.
It’s good though if you just tell them “I’ve already read it, so just whenever you get a chance to read it. No rush.”
And basketball is an entertainment product. Hack-a-Shaq is boring.
If you don’t want to drive your wife around looking for Pokemon in exchange for sex, can I?
“...nobody should be punished for trying to protect their race.”