
You mean like politics?

In the examples you mentioned the teammates continue to play and get paid.

I refuse to believe Donald Mustard is a real name or person. Sounds like a Disney condiment or board game character.

I read the article, I was just reaching for the low-hanging fruit. But thank you kind stranger, have a wonderful day and stay safe!

if you think you’re sick of the Vikings, imagine how sick of the Vikings coastal peasants in Europe and around the Mediterranean in the 11th century were!

And also, a little bit, fuck all of us for reading tabloids (or the blogs that reprint tabloid gossip & pics). 

It would be nice if Jezebel stopped linking to those same tabloids in Dirt Bag all the time.

People deserve to be treated with respect. Beliefs, not so much.”

I think that ship sailed a long, long, long time before Gamestop.

Didn’t you see Gemini Man? We’re on Will Smith version 3.0 or 4.0 by now. The original is long dead.

Nailed it!

Currently I evaluate ad blockers on their ability to allow me to navigate Lifehacker and use Kinja without wanting to strangle someone.

Well, he is the Fresh Prince.

I bet these “neighbors” have skeletons in their closets as well. How many are racist? Wife beaters? Alcoholics? Drug addicts?

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

A good mouser is worth its weight in cat treats. The cat I had wouldn’t permit anything alive in the house. Mice, bugs or flies. He used to snatch flies right out of the air. Thank god the dog was sixty pounds or I would have feared for her life, too. Although the cat did eyeball her all the time.

This. Any housing older than 40-50 years old has PLENTY of gaps from settling, lumber shrinkage, etc..., you’ll never find every entry point. Close the spots you find, then use glue and spring traps baited with peanut butter for the rest and grow a pair.  Oh, and bet a bunch of tupperware or metal cannisters and put

Maybe you could explain why I’d want to get rid of mice without killing them. I don’t enjoy killing them, but I enjoy having them in my house quite a bit less than that. I catch them in snap traps, put their remains outside, and the foxes or birds dispose of them promptly.

Get a cat. Then, technically, you’re not killing them. You can blame Darwin.

they dont want to eat the fish, but they do want to make it late for something.