
Thanks for the reply, before I answer. Do you think the asking a question but loading it with your opinion but then shifting back to the question when the opinion is acknowledged - technique, is an honest way to communicate with someone?

The funny part is, Bezos wipes his ass with $250 million.  I hope WaPo wins, then counter-sues and obliterates his family’s entire net worth in one go.

This lawyer is a moron. Bezos can afford to hire law firms that will leave no trace of him beyond a greasy spot

So isn’t it on the the plaintiffs to prove that he’s not racist? Meaning that the defense can dig into this kids records and social media activity and all it would take is a thoughtless tweet to sink his case?

From the esteemed Kentucky law firm of Hemmer, DeFrank, & Wessels:

Surprise surprise, when you give a racist white kid an unearned sense of immunity and a team of highly-paid lawyers and PR professionals, he seeks to take full advantage of the grift.

Nicholas Sandmann went to the rally to troll “the libs”. Period. End of story. That is reality. He successfully trolled the media and is now going to try and make it pay off in a lawsuit and media appearances. Nicholas Sandmann is a perfect representation of the right wing/ republican party today in 2019. No ideas.

What a snowflake.

16-year-old Nicholas Sandmann, claims The Washington Post targeted him “because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ souvenir cap” at an anti-abortion rally

Perhaps Sandmann’s Attorney can point out what law was violated? And can an incident that occurred in Washington D.C. have it’s lawsuit filed in Kentucky federal court?

this is really amazing...these attorneys should be disbarred.

“Thanks, kid!” —Martin Shkreli, passing the mantle

Good luck with that

When our government is actually trying to pass legislation that forbids protests of Israel...we’ve got a serious problem.

I think we are on the same page, and that the semantics dont get in the way of our acknowledgment of a bad situation and our hope for a resolution. My partner is Palestinian, his family is in the process of losing their olive groves to illegal settlers, and I adore his parents, both born and raised in Palestine. Its

I genuinely appreciate the thoughtfulness of that response. I agree with you on pretty much every point, too. I would challenge you, though, to apply that same lens to the Gaza strip, and ask if that isn’t just a precursor to wiping all of those people out. It is one of the most densely populated areas of the planet,

*turns on the bullhorn

Same. I knew exactly what she meant. Politicians getting paid by lobbyists to say and do shit. I didn’t even think about Jewish money. 

I think you’re absolutely right, but I don’t think there are any Democrats out there who do not unequivocally support Israel’s right to exist. If anything, the most frustrating thing about our current political situation is that the Republicans are mainly pro-Israel because the nation has a major role in the esoteric

Thank goodness things are changing on this front too. Standing against Israel’s treatement of the palestinian people has nothing to do with anti-semitism - it’s basic humanism. Israel is blocking any and every way Palestinians find to sustain themselves under the disguise of combatting terrorism, but really it’s