
Just read the comments over on the article about the WFP’s endorsement of Warren over Sanders if you’re really jonesin’ for a full frontal of this mentality.

After a night’s sleep, I feel a bit badly about being a little abrasive to you, whom I have always liked as a poster, so my apologies. But I really don’t get the stance of assuming that an entire party’s worth of voters would vote the same way as oneself.

It’s a private organization who makes their own decisions? It’s different leadership now with different opinions and ways of working? They want to spare their voting members precisely the kind of racist/sexist horseshit that’s happening in these comments? Jesus, you guys are like right-wingers with Obama birth

In 2016 I was a middle-aged female Bernie supporter in a sea of erstwhile libertarian dudes, and it did get ... interesting at times.

Post and response histories are freely available to everyone on Kinja, you dingdong.

That ‘cunt’ troll has been harassing everyone here indiscriminately; pretty weak sauce — not that I expected any less of Baracka, our resident oh-christ-it’s-this-asshole-again.

The leadership of that group just called all Sanders supporters white terrorists.

I caucused for Sanders in my state last election, and I know a few sexist/racist Bernie supporters in our local group; it’s a problem based in real experience not dumb prejudice.

Some commenter, it might have been here? put this really well: with Sanders you’re going to get folks like Sirota in charge; with Warren you’ll have Katie Porters all the way down.

You really think it’s OK that Sanders supporters are commenting all over this page accusing the black leadership of a national party of lying about being harrassed, just because the party didn’t choose to endorse that commenter’s preferred candidate? That’s cool by you?

Goddammit I’ve been kinja’d — Socratic, my last reply was intended for 500 Days of Kitten, not for you.

I was in my thirties and lived in the Hudson Valley at the time, and everyone I knew there — both upstaters and big city folks — rolled their eyes at Giuliani’s schtick after 9/11. He was broadly known as a panderer even then, although I don’t think people saw him as the rankly incompetent/unhinged personage he comes

If you know any Trump supporters in real life, you’ll know that even the ability to speak and make arguments freely is sadly no match for a closed, conspiratorial, and above all authoritarian mindset.

After a night’s sleep, I feel a bit badly about being a little abrasive to you, whom I have always liked as a poster, so my apologies. But I really don’t get the stance of assuming that an entire party’s worth of voters would vote the same way as oneself.

I’m not on social media much at all but have definitely seen bits of this floating around the real-life Berner community. It’s discouraging as hell to see lefties absorbing right-wing talking points without reflection.

I read that too quickly as ‘tomatoes’ and nodded sagely.


That very same troll attacked me for defending Warren, genius.

I kinda love that — what does someone who largely relies on personal charisma do when in convo with a skeptic who is utterly immune to it?

Exactly. My German family likes the American half, but there is often an undertone of “we should probably verify this first: did they really mean what they said or are they just being American?”