
The Norville debacle was my breaking point and disliked Today Show ever since. Now its just worse. Bring back news for 100 minutes then do fluff from 8:40 to 9.

I would even take Pauley/Bryant Gumbel, even though he's a humorless dick, he really didn't stand for the fluffy stuff (he hated Willard Scott for instance).

Today Show once did real news with little fluff. I miss Brokaw/Pauley. Best team ever. Bring them back and let them do it the way it used to be. #teambrokawpauley

I watch CBS in the morning because im old.

And here I was afraid of corrective eye surgery...


Yes! Exactly! The characters are very similar to my family. We aren't sassy friends or angry black women. We're just black people.

I like the show because its characters are not the sassy black neighbor or the angry black co-worker. So far, it's people. I hope they continue to grow the characters.

I was reticent to watch this show because it looked like it might be coonery and bufoonery (thanks, Spike Lee) but it gets so much of the black experience in America right. I'm happy to see a show like this on the air.

I was legit CACKLING when she couldn't find him hiding in the store in the beginning. And then when she gets jumped by security when the alarms go off.

I am a children's librarian and i just want you to know that:

Not necessarily hated hated, but it always irked me that the Berenstain Bears were named Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister fucking Bear. And, like, that was their actual names. Why??? The other bears in the world had names. Lizzy Bruin, etc. Just so annoying. Every time another character in the books that wasn't a

Prospective parents choose sperm based on lots of criteria, not just race. General health, for example, being one of them. I don't know, I would hope that race itself is not the reason she's upset. If I had chosen a sperm donor for their high IQ, motivated character, and, say, lack of predisposition to certain

It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?

I think it's sue-worthy without the race issue involved. You can't run a business like a sperm bank and go mixing vials up. Fuck them! How hard is it to match a vial sticker with a number and place it with the right people? Give me a break.

Everyone at Amal's wedding got an iPod? Not surprised - Bono was probably handing them out. "Hey guys, our new album is already on here! No, don't walk away, I'll just slip this into your bag, then."

"Thank you ! I saw it in the window and just couldn't resist it..."

I'm guessing 18th century, Scottish spray on butt glue.

I am oddly hot for Dougal and his menacing authority. Have I said too much? I said too much didn't I?

I saw this story earlier and was discussing it with a few people before I started our department meeting. Then one of our interns piped up, "Do you think there's an echo when they knock on her head? That would be cool."