
Mark's penis-washing choir:

Bless you for this. I'm glad we're now establishing a scale of importance. "Is he monogrammed coffee thermos important, or only nail art entrepreneur important? Oh, he's Emmy seat filler important? Pfftt."

The saddest part of that story was finding out that Australians are aware of the WBC too. I thought only the US had heard of them and the rest of the world got to live in blissful ignorance of their existence.

If your vagina is hanging down between your legs you might want to get that checked out. Most of the women I know have theirs in their abdominal cavity.

No one's slick as Gaston

EDIT: Meant for this response to be visible to the entire Jezebel staff, hope they see it.

I'm in the middle of this company tech thing, but I want to say this: this is exactly the right thing to do when people aren't paying proper attention to a real problem; it's not something I completely ignored but I obviously didn't give it proper attention, and I'm sorry about that; give me about 24-48 hours to

I also miss Trollpatrol. I sound like an old, but dammit, things were better here in the old(er) days. A few years ago, when commenters had to, basically, audition and get approved, this shit didn't happen. Becoming a starred commentor actually meant something. The Trollpatrol was respected and On The Case. The

OH GOD I MISS TROLLPATROL. I've had this troll reply to me with porn gifs more than once and it's so irritating. It's not exactly harming my mental health because I'm sane and a grownup and realized long ago the internet isn't a safe space, but it's fucking up my valuable work procrastination schedule. Which is a

I use to go to other sites and read the comments and think "thank goodness Jezebel is not like that." The previous systems that use to be in place that promoted and encouraged quality commenting really made a difference. It is still not quite as bad as other places but I don't really see as much of a difference

Prior to Kinja, I headed the trollpatrol team for Jezebel, as many people here know. We dealt with rape gifs, violent pornography, racism, and harassment regularly, but there was a system in place with which to have it reported and dealt with. Banning didn't usually result in the same person immediately making a new

There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.

My husband and I refer this as the "found out you liked it" phenomenon. That tv show is awesome! It's cancelled. Those amazing tortilla chips? Can't find them anywhere. Your brand of underwear? Out of business after decades. All b/c they found out you liked it.

Werd - this has happened to me about a billion times. So, last time I found a pair that I loved (Gap Sexy Lace Girl Short) I watched the sales and discount codes and now I've got about 40 pairs. But, probably time to buy more.

Guuhhhhhh the Gap did this to me and I HATE THEM.

How have we not yet talked about Jessica William's segment on the Daily Show about black women's hair last night?

Those lines are about how BYSTANDERS should think through their next move. Not whether PARENTS should leave their kids in the car which, as I say in the last line of the post, is clearly a fucking bad idea.

There's a campaign to get him in the rock n roll hall of fame. I approve

Well done in photo selection! He is giving the "I can't believe you made such a goofy mistake in your article" look and lost fingers. I admire you, The Bean!

Whenever I read a story like this, I'm always saddened by the pointlessness of war and the loss of human life. These stories demonstrate that we are capable of behaving humanely to each other, yet it only seems to happen briefly.