Liking your post just to prove I was here! We are more than 5 people! Keep on posting!
Liking your post just to prove I was here! We are more than 5 people! Keep on posting!
That is wonderful! I actually spontaneously applauded (sitting in my living room all by myself) when they finished. Where are these marvelous dance classes where great, dancing dudes are hanging out?
It does legally, even it if is wrong morally. It's not different posting it on a telephone pole in public. Unless, of course, you've copyrighted the photo, like paparazzi and news services do.
Hair is just hair - who cares? But, the most important issue is "is he sponge-worthy?" The most insane stockpiling of all time.
Her name is Elena Lenina and she wears her hair like Marie Antoinette!
It's not so much that dozens are left out... If, as the headline says, best songs "of all times", why are we missing everything older than 1975? Like, for instance, "The Addams Family" (snap, snap), or "The Courtship of Eddie's Father"? "My Three Sons". "Micky Mouse Club"?
I used to get a cold every time I flew. When I started travelling with my son, he was 2 at the time, I started bringing Lysol wipes (they are for surface disinfecting, not hand wipes). I use several to wipe down every hard surface we might touch while in our seats - including the wall, the window shades, seat belt…
The most telling part of the clip is the doctor statement, "Jim Bob called me the other day and said would you mind giving us a little talk....". Let's see a show of hands - whose husband/significant other calls their gyno directly to arrange an appointment?
Please share the info you read - I'd be interested in it too.
Another missed opportunity - Jon Snow.
I first became aware of Sandra Oh on an old HBO series called "Arliss" - she was pure comedic bliss on there. She is such a good actress. I truly hope she'll continue to find fantastic roles so we'll be able to continue to watch her.
My only question for Faye Dunaway: "What makes you think we're still interested enough to question you?"
So funny to watch this. I love the unfolding of the various emotions: from WTF, to looking like she's going to vomit, to wonder and love.
Bette Midler - did it first and better.
I think the fact they all try to get out of the tub is a big clue!
Hmmm. I don't have any ideas. What's the fox say?
Ya know, I'm totally, totally ok with being infertile. I've gotten over my fantasy of breaking the news of a pregnancy to my husband. But this just killed me.