
It looked suspicious from the start? Sheesh, if you hear the story of a gay black man in 2019 America getting beat up and almost lynched and your first reaction is: “Nah, this sounds suspicious, he faked it”, you are either a god damn psychic or a sociopathic asshole.

Im still reserving judgement until a full mental screening is done, can't possibly be in his right mind to think it would be a good idea

The main thing I detest about false accusations is that now whenever someone gets victimised for real, a million people will now distrust them by pointing to fabricated cases. Like imagine if this legit happens in Chicago tonight, now people would just mention this no name chuckle fuck and instantly will choose to

I’ll admit, up front, that I take this one pretty personally. My family has spent the last two years trying to recover from an actual violent hate crime, which my husband barely (and I mean barely) survived. It still affects him, mentally and physically, on a daily basis. There are still more surgeries left ahead of us

Of course it was Christian Siriano who did this look. He’s consistently awesome, isn’t he? He’s the one who says, “To hell with the toxicity of fashion; you’re beautiful and imma make you look it.” He’s the one who dove for the opportunity to put Leslie Jones on the red carpet looking like hot damn after other

But did you love it as much as Glenn Close did? That’s the look she gave all those Dalmatians.

Even after all these years I’m still waiting for Judd Apatow to make something funny...

It was so good. The intertwining story lines of Paula and Rebecca crept up on me. The moment at the end of the hospital scene between the two, with the wink from Paula in her hospital bed, was powerful. Theirs is the strongest bond anyone on the show has with Rebecca.

Five to go.

Let’s not pretend dorky Nathaniel wasn’t still unfairly gorgeous.

Now playing

For those who haven’t seen this already, Esther Povitsky doing stand-up on Craig Ferguson:

OK, let me rephrase that:

Before BOTW came out, I preordered it on Amazon, as they offered release-day delivery; and booked the following day off work. The day before release, they fucking delayed it.

***This*** is what everyone was trying to explain to that “reasonable” guy on Twitter who told us why he wouldn’t release the kid’s name even though he’d found it.

Trump is going to ask if the Sandman voted for him. And get mad when the kid says no.

What can one expect from a network that willingly hired Megyn-santa-is-white-kids-Kelly once she was done hyperventilating about the New Black Panthers killing white babies on Fox News, and gave Trump unchallenged air time to spout his racist birtherism.

I hope you regret the missed headline opportunity on this one:

yeah, still want to smack that shit eating grin off his face, preferably with a baseball bat.....ETA U & I’m a white Christian mom, although admittedly with a terrible temper..

To quote a Dark Souls meme, “Don’t give up, Skeleton!”

No, I’m done, I’ve have it. This kid and his friends are being treated like fucking royalty by Republicans and right-wingers, while the Parkland School shooting survivors are still being insulted and mocked by the same people praising these kids. Fuck this shit. Dead kids? Who cares. Survivors? Who cares. Catholic