
I think he’s referring the the four customers who were misled by Sony, as stated in the article, rather than suggesting that there are only four people who live in Australia.

Reading the replies. Americans really don’t get sarcasm!

Most adults don’t particularly care. This is a children’s TV show


And that’s exactly where the appeal lies for me. If I just need the bare basics i’d only read the headlines or go to gematsu. I appreciate that hearing about typically lefty social issues isn’t your bag, but there are literally a million other websites which cater to those on the other end of the spectrum or simply

What do you mean “pushing a narrative” ? Are you suggesting this kind of discrimination doesn’t actually happen?

How about hating the winner-takes-all, two party system here? Clinton was simply the lesser of two evils.

Marry me.

Shit like this is part of the reason why I use a Mac and not Windows. I’m not particularly tech savvy and issues like this seem to be far more commonplace with Windows than Mac OS.

This is kind of how I feel when the censorship police get completely up-in-arms over the removal of creepy, pervy features in certain Japanese video games.

Yeah, but you’re fuelling the interest which is ultimately what allows these ladies to keep on rakin’ it in!

Actually, by clicking on the article you’re the one fueling the fame and fortune.

As a gay man, I definitely still perceive the word ‘fag’ or ‘faggot’ as a derogatory term for ‘homosexual’. If you do not believe it is still frequently used in this context then you are extremely naive.

Grow up.

That’s like.... The rules of feminism or something.

Lolz @ everyone who had meltdown over the removal of that lame face rubbing mini game.

Restaurant management continuing to employ and pay this asshole chef is the thing hurting the servers. Not the customer.

People are actually buying these things? I thought Kotaku staff were just giving amiibos a disproportionate amount of column space because of some kind of secretive marketing deal.

I can’t tell if you’re serious or you’re trying to be funny.