I like it! I can’t wait for ludicrously overpriced Chanel DLC in FFXV.
I like it! I can’t wait for ludicrously overpriced Chanel DLC in FFXV.
I will never understand people who get off on cartoons.
No apology required! Keep fighting the good fight. 😊
Noooooooooooo. Just no.
I was just being sarcastic. I thought your comment was very funny.
Shooting a zombie who happens to be black isn’t racist, particularly when the game is set in an African country. Murdering someone actually on the grounds of their racial background is racist, but that wasn’t really what was happening, and if it was, I doubt it would have been depicted for any kind of comical effect.
A shitty, infantile joke that, as you constantly explain, is on par with the level of humour we’d find in a Loony Tunes cartoon. Then, on top of that, it’s being made at the expense of women who have been victims of sexual assault or anyone who’s experienced gay conversation therapy.
Imagine a world where people are just as outraged about date rape and gay conversion therapy as they are about “censorship”.
Anti-PC crusader. It’s just a shitty, infantile joke that will likely bear absolutely no weight in your overall enjoyment of the game.
B-b-but that’s not PC!
Preach, brutha. I’m from the UK and some of the most vicious and offensive comedians I can think of feature regularly on television and various other media, and they’re pretty popular!
Thankfully, I dont think trolling is a huge problem on here.
Thank you. Is, ‘I could care less’ an Americanism? I don’t ever hear anyone say it in person here in the UK but I see it a lot on comments sections, forums, etc.