Seems as if lately all of these 1st desings of consoles (PS3, XBOX360, Switch) always have something wrong with them b/c companies cheapskate on QC and drop testing.
Seems as if lately all of these 1st desings of consoles (PS3, XBOX360, Switch) always have something wrong with them b/c companies cheapskate on QC and drop testing.
“ there is another thing that corporate looks at with a magnifying glass and that is customer surveys. On the bottom of every receipt there is a survey link with a chance to win a gift card thing. Those reviews if a customer has filled out carries weight and one of my old managers at the end of every transaction as a…
Time for GameStop employees to unionize
Shorter Red Sox:
I like black women, but I’ve just always assumed they never like me
Well, he is still credentialed....for now.
Las Vegas is literally the worst city for hookers, ahem, I mean “hobbying”.
This apology is so tepid and feckless, that it automatically qualifies him for running for office.
“What country are you in?”
I love the fact all but once of those accounts are now deleted. Cowards.
I went to those games in the 80s and early 90s and that was also when the Yankees sucked and you could get tickets day-of. They, a lot like the Red Sox, didn’t really become bandwagon “public” again until the 96 and then on. And once the 2000s came around, Yankees tickets hyperinflated on the side markets to the…
I have no idea; Adam Jones said he wanted them fined (which pretty much means, “arrested”), because he felt the 86'd punishment is not enough. We don’t have the strong “hate laws” like in Europe where if someone does a racist chant, signal, or throws say, a banana peel onto the pitch, where that person is arrested,…
depends which game and day you go to. The Cubs games over the weekend won’t have these types because they cant afford the marked up tickets. On weekend games you dont see this riff raff b/c the tickets go up due to demand from the corporate family types who go. But during the week or a day game, especially when a…
They already 86 people from the ballpark (like the guy who taunted Jones last night). While Jones wants them fined....I think just simply publicly outing them will do the trick. Otherwise, the guy(s) are just going to continue trolling pseudo-anonymously.
basically, if they catch you even with more than one baggie, nevermind more than one piece of drugs (i.e. a gram of meth inside two baggies), they will tag you with intent to distribute
“I don’t know what’s sadder, how much he’s wasting his life, or how little he realizes it.”
Felger’s family both were professors at Marquette, and he himself went to BU (which, if you know the history of neoliberalism in the city of Boston, explains everything). He was literally born on second, and acts like he’s Ricky Henderson when he gets to steal third just because him and the over paid pitcher are…
bingo. Even Jesse Ventura, a quest on Jones’ many shows, called what Alex Jones does, “entertainment”. Granted, its sick and twisted entertainment, especially lately.
I understand what you are saying here, and yes, this is probably the optimal play.....but its in the heat of the moment, as just like the guy who gets picked to leave not being happy, I am sure the 3 dudes who took the guy off the plane weren’t probably in the Christmas spirit when they decided to yank him off a plane…