
this is the best comment I have ever read on here.

Isn’t inequality and capitalism just grand!


They are all the same people who watch, “Fat Guy with Hot Wife Sitcoms” on CBS

The only 6am footballgames from London I get up to watch are when Spurs are on

Another issue is that the game has made it easier for passing; which means now, these crappy QBs are passing more, which means more incompletions, which means longer games that suck the soul out of my body.

and a lot of those services provided by the cable services are shoddy at best. ESPN’s own streaming service, WatchESPN, is pretty good and so is NBCSNs.

I thought when this came out it was pretty cool:

This is going to be one shitshow of a presidency.

All I know is that after reading these changes, I still see Bastion getting the play of the game.

I would never do that (I love the ex-worker idea though some have suggested).....but if I did, I would do just 1 and even then I’d probably leave within a year, relationship aside. It’s just too weird, IMO.