
If they want to ignore them, that's fine. It's for everyone else reading who would think they were right if no other facts were presented.

See my reply to his comment. We not only covered that story when it happened, it's also been referenced in other stories we've posted about harassment.

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

I bet he drops a blue.

what if the crytarch is secretly running some kind of loot pyramid scheme where he keeps the good stuff you bring him and gives you the garbage in return to secretly equip his hive army for battle so they can summon the true hive mind, Bobby Kotick...

Destiny is nothing more than a mobile game on a console. Hear me out: mobile games are time-wasters. They offer very little in the way of story and very little variety. They play on the addictive nature of many people by constantly giving little rewards that are essentially meaningless, but they hit the pleasure

Oh thank you! Someone else who didn't like Dead Space 2. I was so amped for it and it was a total let down for the reasons you stated above but a couple more. It was too many "gauntlet" type scenarios with the enemies rushing you at once. The last run for the boss was frenetic, but left you with nothing in the end. It

I really only truly like the first Dead Space Game. I felt that the others suffered in terms of plot development. Dead Space 2 begins with a literal repeat of the plot from the first game, only the betrayal is done by a different woman. I was so confused when that happened.

It was known as Vault for a while, right?

I would absolutely join a random fireteam #notallnobodies

Sad how people can make a hobby/living out of tearing down other peoples work. Being a critic is one thing, but these "CinemaSins" style rants seem to take an arrogant approach that is getting old. Movies/Games are art, and it's going to be subjective. Love/hate is just an opinion, so making some video detailing

Is she someone who hoards slights and grievances like a passive-aggressive squirrel hoarding hate-nuts for the winter?

I've got to throw this in here. Since we are talking about lying, the people we lie to the most is ourselves. It is not crazy to be attracted to the people we see on a daily basis, just don't act on it. But don't punish yourself, this is modern day morality talking.

Don't ever speak of it. I did the same thing with my ex gf's younger sister. She was just a bit more laid back and very cute. I never crossed that line.

It helps you perfectly align your hand with Ayn Rand's corpse. It also lights up when your yoga pants become see-through.

As a person who has had CPS called on me by an abusive POS relative who I refused to allow my infant son to know (for obvious reasons) - go fuck yourself asshole. CPS isn't there for you to deal with a problematic living situation that happens to involve a child and a bitchy ex.