
Like you said, you're not an expert. Go with your gut and maybe don't speak for the rest of the day.

I've had the game since launch, still only a 22. I've been a 22 forever. Takes forever to get your rep up high.

I'm convinced Nintendo has too much hubris to actually understand the type of games people want to play. A Pokemon MMO would be the equivalent of printing money, but, people like Super Smash, LET'S DO MORE THINGS LIKE THAT.

I absolutely expected him to become a more experienced killer - DS2 made an earnest effort to downplay the soldiering with a few 'you know how to fight these things best' moments, but as the series progressed, the engineering moments were few and far between. In DS3, Isaac went full soldier, and I did not appreciate

The original Dead Space remains one of my all time favorite games. The narrative was so unbelievably on point, and I questioned the shit out of Isaac's sanity the entire game. The second went off the rails a bit - mostly because I don't think they focused enough narrative energy on the religious aspect of the Marker

I for one am shocked, SHOCKED, that Dead Space 3 failed to sell well - considering they only completely changed the entire premise of the game and lost their core audience for the series (survival horror anyone?). I played it for all of 4 painful Isaac sentences before literally throwing it out my window. I am not

It's an interesting dynamic. My girl and I are both CPA's, but I'm far less career driven than she is. Her sister has that artsy vibe to her because she went to school for theatre. She's honestly like my finances evil twin, which I suppose is what adds to the physical attraction.

Nah, I definitely think I picked the right one - it's mostly a physical attraction. On a personal level, she's like my girl's evil twin (which I suppose has it's own appeal).


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie - I thought about ending our relationship for a solid 2-3 months afterwards just because I didn't want that to happen. Appreciate the thoughts, I'm hoping for the best.

They actually have not, though they've been a far less frequent and I'm pretty damn careful about how much I'm drinking. But regardless of where we are, there's never been a time since where we didn't give each other the I know that you know that I know look. It's brutal.

Thanks for that - feels good to finally get some perspective on it. I've always felt guilty knowing that in that moment, I wanted to act on it.

Hit the eject button.

A few years ago, I used to go on 'bro dates' with my girlfriends younger sister about once a month. We'd just go to a bar and get tanked to catch up and it was a nice bonding experience - until she let slip that she wanted to fuck me.