Finally, after 20 years, we finally have a sequel to Zone of the Enders Second Runner!
Finally, after 20 years, we finally have a sequel to Zone of the Enders Second Runner!
Just an assumption here, for the other drivers in the past that got leeway, I am assuming they were all white? I have not looked into it, but this driver appears to not be white by his name, so that is probably why they were quick with charges that actually match the crime.
Beat me to it
This was my assumption.
The same car you want in a car chase or any number of things, a baja truck. Durable, huge gas tank, can drive anywhere at full tilt.
So... Has no one made the Santa reference
What is basketball?
Should sell a lot better than their stupid commercials do.
A 1% person died in his private helicopter. Zero fucks given. Hopefully a couple more helicopters will fall out of the sky.
Why is this a thing? Garbage
1.5L, 3 cylinder. Why would that sound like it sucks? Look at the BMW i8
So same price... But the F150 is aluminum and this is not, so they probably weigh the same too... WTF
How was that seat not just completely brown?
The photo-realistic‘ness of Mario Kart is gotten out of hand...
Porsche has been doing that for a lot longer.
Living in Texas, this is where I can make fun of the north for something. You guys laugh when we can’t drive in ice/snow. Well, I laugh when you say 90's is hot. We had 90's in April. Pussies.
Sheeeeeet, you’re right... Ignore me.
Because it has the heart of a Raptor?
No vests for them, they shouldn’t be there in the first place. Just trimming the gene pool.